Feb 28, 2015 23:58
I think there are worse things to like than ranch dressing. I don't use it much, I feel like I grew out of it but it was a big part of what I ate while growing up. Maybe that says something about my family, where I grew up, and what social class I belonged to growing up - but so fucking what? Ok, it wasn't a BIG part of my cuisine growing up but it was always there, in the fridge. Next to the Italian dressing. I didn't put it on everything, but it helped me enjoy vegetables and other things I normally wouldn't have liked when I was a kid. As I got older, I learned to like (or found out about) other dressings and dips. Sometimes I still use ranch dressing for dipping purposes, but it's not something I go out of my way to buy or ask for. You know, sometimes I feel like ordering ranch with a salad (perhaps it comes from a need for comfort, a sense of nostalgia) when I'm out, but I don't because I don't want to get some kind of smug look from the server - and I'm ashamed of that because it means I've adopted part of that negative view about ranch dressing. (Then again, ranch isn't a good dressing for mixed greens - which is how most salads come in restaurants these days. Next time I get a good ol' iceberg lettuce salad at a diner I'll order ranch on the side. Yes, I think I'll do that. I promise myself I will.) I don't scoff at people who like it on their salads - I kind of don't care what you put on your salads or dip your dipping foods into as long as it isn't the blood and guts of my family or friends. This idea that liking ranch dressing makes you trashy or ignorant pisses me off. It makes me hate the petty ways in which people judge each other, that idea. I seriously doubt all of the people making fun of ranch dressing eaters were born with the refined palates they believe themselves to have. I bet they fucking wished they could drink glasses of the stuff when they were kids. I bet they licked it from their plates. If only we had videos of them doing those things, sinning with ranch dressing, to post online.
(For some reason, I'm going to make this my first public post in years.)