500ml blue Vive box: 2 barrel shaped onigiri with sesame seeds, sanbaizu and nori; Torikatsu on lettuce with kewpi mayo in a rectangle shaped paper cup; half a satsuma <3, blanched broccoli, sweet takuan wrapped around a pitted umeboshi, a pink teddy bear bottle full of sanbaizu, and a pink piggy bottle (XD with appropriate sparkly eyes, the way mine look before a meal like this) full of Bulldog Tonkatsu sauce.
I was also wondering, is there a good way to keep torikatsu/foods generally like that nice and crispy after cooking them? I made my torikatsu yesterday and it was fabulously crispy... but =_= when I got up today the coating was soft. It still tasted good, but it sort of lost its visual omph.
In hind sight, my takuan looks like a duckbill with a tongue hanging out of it! XD
I dont know how many of you own a hot water dispensing pot (:D I am tea lover to my core so I have a 3 litre pot that ALWAYS has hot water in it) but if you are in a hurry and you like your veggies crunchy a quick way to give your veggies that steamed look is to put them in a cup and use the water from the water pot. :D Just rinse them with cool water, dry them and presto! Instant blanched veggies. <3 XD Probably everyone in the world already thought of that... but I figured I'd still throw it out there.
And one additional picture for food pr0n. Because, le gasp, I actually like the way this one turned out.
Crossposted from my journal to