420ml Hello Kitty 2 teir box and a 140ml (i think) Purin box.
:O When I went to Uwajimaya last week I picked up two new onigiri molds, more specifically the ones that make barrel shaped onigiri. They are pretty neat, though a little harder to make the perfectly shaped onigiri that my other molds make.
Top Teir: steamed pea pods, steamed daikon ribbons with lemon, star shaped carrot salad, yakitori with green onions and lemon. XD I think Im getting better at making the yakitori... last time it was a little dry, but this time it was juicy!
Bottom Teir: 2 onigiri with nori, two lemon fans, umeboshi, and two apple topped sauce bottles.
;_; I really wanted to make an entry for
Bentochallenge this week, especially since the theme was anime.... =_=;; But I've just been so tired and feeling lethargic.
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