530ml Monokuro Boo box: four small peices of salmon baked in the toaster oven (10 minutes) - 2 peices were baked with just salt and lemon and 2 peices were baked with salt and a mixture of kewpi mayo/curry powder/basil/tarragon; carrot flowers, lemon fans, pea pods, broccoli, edamame, pink teddy bear bottle of sanbaizu, blue teddy bear bottle of soy sauce and cherry tomatos on top of a layer of blanched daikon which is on top of a layer of rice mixed with salt, black sesame seeds, shredded carrot and sanbaizu.
Not shown:
230ml monokuro boo box: small ball of miso rolled up with hon-dashi instant dashi and green onion slices. I stole this idea from someone else who posted it a long time ago on
Bentolunches Im having some kind of ... I dont know what!! It seems most things I have cooked in these last two weeks have either been hideous to look at or tasted yucky or bland. ;_; Even my tea wont turn out right!! ._. I love tea.... I need tea....
Thursday, 2007 June 07
:O Old lunch alert!
630ml Monokuro Boo 2 teir box
Top: plain rice with yakitori.... :X First time I ever made Yakitori, I thought it turned out okay for my first time.
Bottom: Tamagoyaki and mixed corn/pea/edamame
=_=;; I swear I own the single worst tamagoyaki pan in the universe... the egg sticks to it impossibly and its really hard to roll. That particular day it was so bad I had to just toss the pan in the sink (eggs and all) and make my tamagoyaki in a round frying pan. I wonder do these pans need curing like cast iron skillets/woks do? >_> Or did I just have the bad luck to buy a crappy pan?
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