Good Weekend!

Feb 06, 2006 00:58

Well, I just wanted to write a positive post for once, and talk about my really nice weekend. Doerun came down to visit, and for once, there was actually stuff for us to do. Friday night we went to the "Spectrum Concert" put on by the School of Music, and it's basically a recruitment tool for the high school seniors visiting for the honor band. It was a pretty fun concert, though. After that we ate at IHOP with some friends. Yesterday, Doerun and I went to the mall and I got what I'm going to wear for the Pink Party on Friday. I think it's pretty cute, but we'll see. Last night we planned on cooking Mexican after the Wind Ensemble concert. That didn't turn out to be as easy as we had originally hoped, because we had sort of a crisis with defrosting and cooking the ton of ground beef we bought. By the time it was cooked, we were starving, and we basically scarfed it down while watching Saturday Night Live. Today Doerun and I went to church, and it was really nice. I'm really starting to like this church, so I hope it becomes a regular part of my week. We cooked again today (I'm so proud of myself, I didn't buy a bit of food all weekend, with the exception of the pancakes at IHOP), and then I took Doerun back to Montevallo. Tonight consisted of me watching the Super Bowl, and I was less than impressed with the game as well as the commercials. Oh well. Anyway, that was my weekend in a nutshell, and if it doesn't sound super-exciting, it's because it wasn't. But that's what was so good about it. I had a really nice, relaxed weekend, without having to go out and party and spend a ton of money. So right now I'm in a pretty decent mood, for once, and I think this next week is going to be pretty good. Anyway, sorry if this was a somewhat boring entry, but what can I say, I'm not as passionate a writer when I'm happy :)
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