Sep 21, 2005 20:34
to be totally honest, school still pretty much sucks. chemistry is totally whoopin my toosh...but...yeah. i do love cr. writing, and i've been just writing and rewriting "that one piece" (haha kate, you know it...) and it's not finished...and it may not be finished for some time. but today was publication celebration and i read my piece aloud and i've gotta actually felt good. to share what i'd been trying to so hard to convey with the rest of the world. i guess sometimes the stronger the emotion, the harder it is to put into the right words, powerful things that cant quite fit into a label. so...yeah...i guess i'm still struggling to find the correct words while each day drives me further and further away from what happened. and sometimes that's irritating and hard to deal's okay...
anyways...just wanted to put that down :)