Mar 15, 2010 11:17
Anyone else get one of these emails? I'm not sure if it's spam or what... The website looks legit, but the email (addressing me as Tania?) sounds fishy...
Dear Tania
Nearly eighteen months ago we were successful in applying to the Arts and Humanities Research Council's scheme entitled Beyond Text and were granted funds to establish a Research Network entitled 'Festival Performance as a State of Encounter'. This has built on the extensive practice and research we have both undertaken in previous years and has given us an opportunity to bring together and formalise the many partnerships we have forged over that time. It has enabled us to extend the network of interested parties to other colleagues in Higher Education Institutions as well as those working in industry as programmers, performers and curators of festival performance.
In brief, we committed ourselves to running for four Research Network days over the course of the project to discuss and share practice as well as make plans for future bids and projects. We have since been successful in being awarded a Beyond Text Small Grant entitled 'Environments for Encounter'. This latest project will start in May of this year but we have one more Network event to host and we would very much like to invite you to be part of it.
The event is taking place on Tuesday 30th March from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm at the University of Leeds. Your expenses for attending the meeting will be fully covered. Whether you have joined us for previous events or if you are new to the Network, your participation will be very much appreciated. The day will be run in a relatively informal way. We will be discussing our progress so far but also asking for your thoughts, observations and ideas about the role and function of festival performance with particular reference to what we have termed 'relational performance'. We very much hope that you will be able to join us as we feel your particular expertise and knowledge will be significant in furthering the development of this work.
If you would like to attend, please e mail Linda Smith on to confirm by Monday 22nd March. She will then make the necessary travel arrangements for you and provide you with a schedule for the day. You can find out further information about the Beyond Text scheme by visiting We enclose a brief summary that was written at the start of our particular project for your interest.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Alice O'Grady (formerly Bayliss) Rebekka Kill
Principal Investigator Co Investigator
School of Performance and Cultural Industries School of film, TV and Performing Arts
University of Leeds Leeds Metropolitan University
0113 343 8715 0113 812 9073
Linda Smith
Research and Enterprise & Knowledge Transfer Secretary School of Performance and Cultural Industries University of Leeds Leeds
Tel: 00 44 (0) 113 343 8713
Fax: 00 44 (0) 113 343 8711
Please send general enquiries to