The Kids and thy Life

Apr 01, 2007 01:00

Ok.  Really random and maybe totally unreadable things for most of you here, but I've been really thinking about how I want my kids to be raised.  For those out there that think I'm planning on having kids right now... we'll you're damn wrong!   Not till at least 25-27, then it's baby-makin' time!  Any later and the risk of having a kid with a 3rd arm becomes quite high.  HA!

One thing that I think is quite important is the television.  If I could I would get rid of it for good.  The amount of garbage that is shown on the tellie these days is absolutely sickening.  The only thing you are absorbing is how Anna Nicole died, or how many times Brittney has gone into rehab.  AMAZING AND BRAIN NUMBING!  I know this sounds dorky, but I truly believe that knowledge is power and there seems to be only 3 out of 500 channels that give that potential to kids.   The rest seems to be shitty programming that seeks to just make a kid just fit in with society, and make them sing along to songs.  After reflecting on this realization, I find that if I have any TV in the house, well it's going to the be the shittiest TV you can buy.  This will make mom and dad go out and "live it up" like they did when they were in their mid-20s, and seize the opportunity to go OUTSIDE MORE!!!  And there won't be one in the bedroom for reasons relating to what makes a "brick house relationship."  This way the kids will be able to actually read books and if they use the internet, find stuff that they can actually learn from.  People might say that they'll find more irrelevant trash on the internet than on TV, but I think I'll be using a parental blocker to block their minds from the bullshit that exists out there.

I'm drawing this conclusion mainly from what I see everyday at work.  Kids that are my age sometimes don't understand the vocabulary I use.  When I talk to them, they always seem to look at me like I'm an alien.  When I walk into the breakroom, the channel that is usually on is B.E.T. (not trying to be racist) and the crap you see is the stereotypical rap video with "benjamins" flying through the air, rappers with grills, and big booty sluts running around the set.  The youths of this age see this as the norm and what should be acceptable.  It is one of the many substances that is rotting this country to the grave.  It's very upsetting to me since before this time America used to be revered as a country where the best-of-the-best resided and now we are a laughing stock of pigs!  Now everywhere we travel, we are an embarrassment and you need to prove yourself to be respected.  What's really funny is that sometimes I'll go to some of the hard-drive camcorders that can actually record for a really long time, and then I'll look to see what stupid stuff people recorded of themselves in the store.  The sickening thing is that most of the guys that record themselves say brilliant things like, "Yo what up nigga!" or "Whas up with it motha fucka" or even "I'm gonna fuck de's bitches till day sore" ... stupid shit!  I never want my kids to be like this.  If they turn out like this, well I have failed as a parent.  The main source of this realization and open-eyed policy that I have is of course Dr. Marvin Stern, my philosophy teacher.  Absolutely brialliant guy and he's made me a more tenacious and intelligent person.  He really motivates me to be a maker of change in the world.  I'll never forget you Marvin!

What hopes do I have for my kids?  I really hope one of them takes interest in music, but on the other hand I won't be mad if they don't, it's just the fact that if they do it .... well it would be really cool.  Jamming with my own son/daughter would be really fun!  I hope they have the same mentality as I do, especially my no-holds-barred tenacious attitude in the professional field.  I hope they get the experience of travel in somewhere besides the U.S.  I'm going to be getting this experience in May myself, and I'm sure it's going to be an eye opening experience.  I hope my kids will have a realization of what the real world, in an international perspective, is like.  I really want them to understand the political foundations of Socrates, Plato, Machiavelli, Locke, and Marx had to say because it really opens up ones mind as to how the REAL political world works, and what as a citizen of the U.S. one must do.  To have an understanding of these people seriously makes you a weapon rendering you the ability to bend someone into a pretzel with intellectual debate.  Above all, I hope they are independent.  Being absolutely dependent on your friends is a bad idea.  Independence in this area gives you a stronger mind and the ability to deal with touch situations more intelligently.

... damn I'm getting tired.  I could keep going on but I have to sleep because of work in the morning.  Cross your fingers for me to get the supervisor position!
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