May 09, 2014 10:42
Being that Mother's Day is this Sunday, a lot more thoughts are on Mom. And seeing the recent fashion choices made by our youth these days, that's one of the points that come to mind. The choices of today would not have passed muster with the Mothers of my youth.Walking out of the house with pants hanging around knees would have been met by: "You are not leaving my house dressed like that young man." And they passed that attitude down to their daughters. We dressed to impress to go out. Otherwise "I am not going anywhere with you dressed like that" would be expressed. Barbershops, beauty supply stores, and The Flagg Brothers catalog were very big with us. I was never a high fashion or fad follower, simple worked fine for me. Besides unless we worked, such extravagances had to be earned. I still think about Mother whenever I shop or dress to go out. Proper attire for the proper situation. Thanks Mother.