Done this before, but what the hell. Everyone loves an interview.
As do I. I was interviewed by the lovely and thoroughly interesting
krisdababe. Here are the questions/answers.
1) If you could live in any city in the world where would it be?
If you had asked this a few months ago the answer would've been pretty clear, with Austin or New York taking the cake. But since I came here I've been exposed to so many people from so many different corners of the world who have talked about all these different cities I had never even thought about living in. I've heard London is an incredibly cool yet awfully expensive city wherer I would fit in quite well. One friend from Germany said she saw me better suited for Munich. Barcelona, Andalucia, Dublin. I would love to at least visit Athens, provided I learned how to speak greek, but my friend Andrea said pretty much everybody speaks english over there too. If language wasn't a barried I'd probably love a lot of the cities in Italy. Here in latin america, Santiago de Chile sounds like an awesome city. I dunno. I'd still love to go to Austin because I genuinely feel like the film circuit and music scenes there are pretty awesome and it just sounds like a great place. But right now I am content in Buenos Aires and in the almost nine months I've been here I really do feel like I've found a new home.
2) What the worst you've ever screwed someone over?
I'm not really a screwer-over, but I'd have to say back in high school I had this stupid ninth grade kid pay twice for an essay I never gave him. His payment fueled by disgusting JP habit for a whole two months.
3) What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
What comes to mind right now is when I started using the internet, back when I was like eleven or twelve, I used to tell people that I was a twenty six year old punk rocker from New York called Michael who had a hot former-cheerleader wife and was also a comic book artist. This was a rather large number of people, mind you. I think it was some kind of animé fan club or something. I still have some of those people on my AIM list, and every once in a while I get a "Hi Mike!". Haha. Suckers. All my lies are always wishes...
4)If you were to try and convert a non-Pearl Jam fan with one song what would it be and why?
Dunno about one song, but it'd probably have to be the Vitalogy album, for a number of reasons. I'm listening to it right now and it just seems like the most accessible of the bunch. The songs were "songs" and not just excuses for Mikey McCready to show off his mad soloing skills. Also, the songs were considerably less annoyingly early-nineties sounding and are more down-to-earth, indie-gone-punk songs. I mean, how can one not love an album with Corduroy and Nothingman in it? But yeah. Actually, probably Corduroy, to answer your original question, since it sums up the album quite well.
5) What's the crappiest thing about your job?
Well this is a hard question to answer since I don't start 'til monday, but right now I'm gonna say the fact that I have to show up and do any work at all. I'd much rather get paid to do nothing, just sit around and watch movies, like at the DVD club. But this job pays much more. So I dunno. I'll answer this on monday when I get back.
Your turn, assholes.
1. Leave me a comment saying "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature, or not so creepy personal.
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation with an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.