Exhausting, but worth it

Oct 07, 2013 14:10

Utterly exhausting week or so but very fulfiling too. I managed to get sick last week thanks to exhaustion from working my long work hours for two weeks, so sick that this time last week I was at work but having to sneak off to the toilets to throw up. Lovely. Thankfully now I'm masses better.

Last Friday, Anthony and I went to see Slava's Snow Show at the theatre. It's an incredible show for all the family, a wonderful group of clowns miming and captivating the audience with their expressive oddball antics. The theatre was full of noisy kids but the clowns quickly had them in the palms of their hands. As Anthony said, it was a reminder that you're never too old to be silly and have fun. It was immensely interactive too - there was a blizzard in the theatre and at the end, all these enormous inflatable balls poured into the audience for us to play with while the clowns stayed on stage for kids to pose with for photos. Also at the end of the interval, lots of the clowns came out to clamber over the seats and fool around with the audience, clambering onto their shoulders, sitting on them, squirting water, it was hilarious and wonderful :) If you get the chance to see this magical show then please do. It's an amazing experience.

This past weekend, we headed to Salisbury to stay with Anthony's sister and go to a friend's wedding reception. It took place in a beautiful thatched-roof old-style pub/hotel that was a four-star establishment. It looked just lovely. The happy couple were having their first dance in the function room when we arrived, to Fatboy Slim's 'Weapon of Choice.' The groom was wearing his usual facial piercings and the bride looked lovely in a fitted strapless patterned dress, she changed into a blood-red Fifties-style pinup dress halfway through the reception so that she could dance easier. Their colour scheme was autumn colours so everything was orange and brown and the three-tier wedding cake was covering in autumn decorations with pumpkins on the top. It was perfect really. There was no DJ, the music was all on the groom's laptop played through the venue's speakers so we had a mix of heavy metal and nostalgic pop, which made everybody consistently laugh and the dancefloor was always full. The buffet was Chinese food and there was a pick 'n' mix table for everybody to take what they wanted from. We had a wonderful time and got to catch up with some friends and meet someone's boyfriend for the first time which was really lovely. All in all, a marvellous evening, before we got back via taxi. Anthony and I slept on an air mattress, which felt a bit like sleeping on a bowl of jelly! Neither of us slept particularly well because of this but oh well, part of the adventure. It's always lovely to share in someone's wedding day, it always makes me happy to hear those vows again and remember when I said them. And whilst we didn't get to do that this time, it was lovely to hug the happy couple and dance with them :) Congrats, guys, you're awesomely wonderful and your reception was completely you.

illness, life, theatre baby

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