Today in church I got a wonderful challenging image - a photo I saw on The Voice, of a lovely female model with a birdcage in place of her torso/chest and she was opening the door, releasing a swarm of butterflies or birds, I forget which. I felt like suddenly it applied to me, like I needed to unleash some parts of myself, like I need to be bolder and braver and more challenging. I've always been an open book, but maybe I need to push myself, to not be too comfortable or complacent, I try to do new stuff, new things, things that scare me, because otherwise I'll stifle and crystalise and I need to keep stretching myself and growing, you know? Anthony's all for taking on the challenging sides of life and he pushes me exactly the right amount. I think I've got to keep going, I think that's what God wants.
Oh! And I saw this awesome Wonder Woman fan film trailer. It's exactly what I would want a Wonder Woman film to be, if only such a film could be made. I'm just glad that this exists, to show what could be done, if the character was handled right.
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