Through an anomaly - thinky thoughts on Primeval series 4

Feb 15, 2011 20:14

So now that Primeval series 4 is over, I thought I'd try and make sense of how I feel about it. It's one of the few shows I watch that my husband actively dislikes - he finds it offensively bland and generic. I can see where he's coming from, yet I still enjoy it because I love the characters, clunky dialogue and predictable plots aside lol.

I really didn't like Becker this series. I understand why he would be so biting and serious - he blames himself for Sarah's death and the probable deaths of Abby, Connor, & Danny. But he was just way too joyless and irritating for me. I liked him previously because he wasn't just a hard soldier who didn't smile. I hope they bring some more lightness to his character in the future. His interactions with Jess definitely helped. She was adorably ditzy and I loved her dress sense. I also feel like she was kinda wasted. The writers could have done a lot more with her. I think she's really a seriously sharp genius, with plans to foil all that Burton's scheming. That's my take and I prefer it :)

Abby and Connor were wonderful, though Abby became a little bit all-action-girl-but-no-personality-or-fun after a while, which is a shame. And really? Connor not seeing through to Burton's obviously evil intentions? I find that hard to believe. Connor is a geek, he'd recognise a trope when he saw it. Burton was a very stereotypical swarve suited plotter, but Alexander Siddig played him with such obvious enjoyment, I kinda love him. And his interactions with Lester were golden. I love how sometimes Burton came out on top, and sometimes Lester did. They're well-matched.

Of course Ben Miller as Lester was the best thing in it. The man gets all the best lines, wears a suit perfecty, and just every gesture makes me smile. In my head, he and Mycroft Holmes meet up to decry the state of the world and have a decent cup of tea.

Great to have Jenny back for an episode and yay, she gets a happy ending! Also Emily was an awesome Victorian adventuress. She should have stayed and adventured with Matt, but he was all tortured hero and 'I must do this without you to distract me'. She'd have helped you, you fool! Matt was an interesting character - I recognised the actor from Demons, so that made me pretty happy, even if they did dripfeed his plans with Gideon a little too slowly. Also Danny's return was awesome. Oh Jason Flemyng, its awesome you're so busy with work cos you're much in demand for your fabulous talents. But I want you back in Primeval again soon, please make sure that your agent finds you the time!

All in all, I am looking forward to series 5. Yes, the show is no great original and the characters can be cardboardy and the plots really really predictable. But I still find it enjoyable and fun and want to write fics about it. And I applaud ITV for a piece of sci-fi/fantasy. Something different for them. Please don't cancel it again! TV needs more shows that are just pure fun.

primeval, tv, the hubby

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