May 08, 2006 16:52
in my efforts to be angstzilla in my last entry, i completely forgot that keri came and visited that weekend. and now i'm home. and now i don't even really have anything to say because i feel tired and gross but i leave for france tomorrow so if i don't update now i will have to do an evil/enormous update of doom.
so the weekend keri came was fun, exams went alright, and coming home was good. i went back to jamoo for amanda and scott's graduation so that was grandious. and now i'm just spazzing out about leaving tomorrow.
this is going to be pretty short... anyways, if you want me to send you a postcard (or, you know, pretend that giving me your address will actually mean that i'll send you something however unlikely that may be seeing as i have alzheimers and can't remember diddly squat compounded with the fact that i'll be in such a tizzy about being in le france that i won't care about your sorry asses) give me your address! it'll be fun. trust me.
so bascially that's it. i've converted melissa to LOST upon our reuniting yesterday and it was glorious. it was a crazy weekend but anything about that will be on a friends-protected post later... and by "later" i mean "never" because i am way too lazy to try and actually update for real. so maybe i'll just pretend.
i like pretending that people actually care.