There are so many people that I once looked up to that I can
It's so weird how time can change EVERYTHING.
I'm not happy with the people that I once called my friends. So many of them have turned into the people that we once used to make fun of. The fake. The superficial. The weak. All I see now is transparent people in a world made of nothing but objects waiting to be claimed or bought or broken. I can count on one hand the people that are real in my life (not counting family) and each time I see those people I get excited. They are the only people worth sharing my time with.
So much has changed over the past few years for me. Some of the people I thought I'd never let go of, I've thrown away. And some of the people I thought that I'd never speak to mean the most to me.
Reputation is overrated.
Looking cool to other people isn't as important as liking who you are.
Some of the people I know have become slaves to the people that they want to be. They've forgotten who they are and only believe in outward appearances these days. It's sad to me. To see the people I loved become such awful people.
Blah Blah Blah
I'm just rambling...but I don't know... it's really get to me. At one point I didn't really care, but now even seeing some people makes me irritated, and if they say hello to me or act like we are friends I get furious on the inside. I just get so angry. The best solution to me is to ignore they are even there.
One thing I hope to never be is fake. And instead of us growing up and maturing into our own unique people we are melding into each other, and we are all becoming this bland pile of rubber that can only be described as grey.
I just want to pull my hair out and scream "DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT YOU'RE DOING? YOU ARE EVERYONE THAT WE USED TO HATE! YOU ARE EVERYTHING THAT I HATE NOW! But you put on this facade as if you are the same person you always were. You went back to them. And now you hang out with people I know you don't like just to look cool. And I'm stuck int he dust along with some other of us real people."
I know it seems like I'm putting myself on a pedestal and acting like I'm never fake. But it just pisses me off. Maybe I'm being a hypocrite...maybe not. But I just thought it needed saying. I had to get it off my chest. Even though I know the people I mentioned either won't read this, won't care, or won't realize, I still thought it needed saying.