Jan 14, 2009 22:03
Well, I've been at BW for three days. It's been pretty cool so far. I mean, no matter where you go class is going to be class. My schedule, as I wrote before is less than satisfying, but what can ya do? Core curriculum needs to get complete somehow. I think life will become much easier and satisfying when I get my license. For now, I'm the douchenozzle that has his grandma drop him off at class. One particular exchange from memory:
"Hey Josh, you wanna grab lunch with me?"
"Er...no...my..uh...Grandma's in the parking lot..."
Heh. I'm fucking fly.
Let's see. Classes specifically. Hm. Right! Dylan is in my Acoustics class, which is pretty cool. We've had a good time in that class so far and today joked about the fact that even though the girls outnumber us in the class more that 2 to 1, we were still the only lab group comprised solely of guys. Slash fail.
Astronomy makes me want to die...sans Kara of course! (There's your shout out! :)) That looked retarded. How do I make a smiley and then end a phrase that's in parenthesis? It just looks like a smiley with a really big chin or something. What the fuck. Ugh. Anyways, right, astronomy. Dude is more foreign than Nancy at Nam Wah. He has a very thing Romanian (?) accent and speaks very slow, broken English. This is...rough. I got a severe headache trying to follow his lecture last night...and on top of that...everything he has handed out so far has been chock full of typos. Apparently "unic" is a new way of spelling "unique". I SO badly wanted to raise my hand and ask a question regarding a "eunuch", but I felt that the joke would not be appreciated because it would take me 5 minutes to explain it to that guy. A highlight from the class was when he pronounced "active volcanoes" as "active vulcans". All I could picture was Spock from Star Trek doing step aerobics...but then again that's just me. It's going to be a long semester in that class. But then again...at least I have Kara! (Two shout outs in one entry!? Le gasp!)
Algebra is a joke and my film class looks like it will leave me with something to be desired. Perhaps its just the films we'll be viewing. I've never been a fan of Fight Club, and Donnie Darko is shit. I'm sorry if you enjoy it, but I, after 3 viewings, still stand by my convictions that it is overrated and generally retarded.
Small Tangent/Pointless Rant time: We watched a film in there yesterday called "Over the Edge". Not the animated movie with Wanda Sykes and Bruce Willis...thats "Over the Hedge". Get it right. We're time warping back to the late seventies here. It's a movie about teen angst in that era. This subject just pisses me off to tell the truth...I was uneasy and disturbed the entire film. A whole city of teens' lives cannot suck so much as to do the actions depicted in that film. Even though there is a protagonist in the form of whateverthefuckhisnamewas, there is NO way I could personally relate to any of the characters. The kids have NO respect for authority, or for the well being of others in general. Then there are the parents who are just as retarded as the kids because they were too interested in themselves to worry about the well being of their children. It just made me think...how can you grow up acting like that...how are mainlining acid at age 14, not giving a fuck about the world around you, stealing shotguns and shooting at the police? What the fuck.
Right. Sorry, that was on my mind. Back to reality.
I just video chatted with some of my friends from Point Park. First time I made real use of video chat with a notable distance in between myself and the person I was talking to. It was cool. Today is one of the days where I love technology.
Ah well, this entry is long enough as it is right now...Mass Effect/West Wing, ho!