Foto FUN At The 59th Annual F.U.N Show

Jan 09, 2014 01:40

Foto FUN At The 59th Annual F.U.N Show

C'mon! Strike A Pose!

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Strike a pose
Strike a pose
Vogue, vogue, vogue

Ladies with an attitude
Fellows that were in the mood
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it

Vogue, vogue

The Foto Fun Booth is part of the Coins & Kids area. At the 59th Annual FUN Convention we are located at the back of FUN's Bourse floor in aisle 1300 booth # 1345 Stop by for some Foto Frivolity

2014 Foto FUN

Adriana & Luisae


Little Adriana & Luisae play dress up and take a photo with The Coin Explorer, A Magical Wizard and a Knight In Shining Armor.



Amber was pretty in pink posing with an enchanting wizard & powerful knight

Landen, Makayla & Madison


Landen, Makayla & Madison strike a pose & glam it up at the Foto FUN booth.

Colby, Aiden & Alex


Colby, Aiden & Alex share the wealth and enjoy some bling!



Lily was cute as a bugs ear while playing at the Foto FUN and Coins & Kids Booth

Addie, Josie & Marianna


F.U.N's Page Staff (Addie, Josie & Marianna) take time out to enjoy the costumes and photo props at the Foto FUN booth.



Cutie Pa Tootie Cassandra won a necklace and some chocolate coins at the Coins & Kids by turning the "Spin To Win" Wheel. She then played with a magic wand at the Foto FUN Booth.



Annalee took a break from working at Eureka Minting booth to play dress up, wrapping herself in a lavish money boa and sitting on a huge bag of money.

Don Davis of America's Value Channel


FUN Twitter friend Don Davis of America's Value Channel stopped by the Foto FUN booth to say hello.

Jean Burnand


Ms. Jean Burnand has a soft spot in her heart for a knight in shining armor. I think she's a bit of a romantic.

Wayne Of Wizard Coin Supply


::A Round Of Applause:: We have Wayne Herndon of Wayne Herndon Rare Coins and Wizard Coin Supply to thank for the appearance of a magical wizard and knight in shining armor. Wayne and Karin Herndon donated the use of their employees and costumes for some foto fun! We are extremely grateful for their participation.

F.U.N Member Clubs
The Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists (PAN)



Members of The Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists (PAN) a non-profit educational state organization founded in 1978 traveled to Florida to enjoy all that the F.U.N show has to offer. President Thomas Uram & PAN members enjoy the Foto FUN booth during a break from exploring FUN's bourse floor.

Sarasota Coin ClUb



Members of Sarasota Coin Club and Bart Bartanowicz, Ph.D of the Venice Coin and Currency Club took time out to douse themselves in bling for a little Foto FUN!

Daytona Beach Coin ClUb


Greater Daytona Beach Coin Club President Robert M. Hawes rounded up members of his club for some fun and frolic at the Foto FUN Booth.

West Hernando Coin Club


West Hernando Coin Club took advantage of the FUN Club Bus benefit and left the stress of driving to someone else. It was great to see members having a great time at the Foto FUN booth. I look forward to seeing West Hernando at Summer FUN!

Blast From The Past!
2013 Foto FUN

Photos top left to right: 1: Aidan, Avery & Addison 2: Abagail 3: Alexis, Ashley, & Brittanie 4: Braden & Alyssa

Second Level Left To Right: 1: F.U.N Page Staff 2: Christian
Third Level Left To Right: 1: Marcus 2: Luke, Will & Zack
Fourth Level Left To Right: 1: Lesley 2: Haileigh & Emma 3: Name Withheld 4: Louis

Every Picture Tells A Story! Share your story at the 59th Annual F.U.N Convention's Minor Detail's FOTO FUN booth. Our FOTO FUN Station is a hit with children (minors) and the young at heart (adults) a fabulous time can be yours! Simply join us at the FOTO FUN & Coins & Kids booth for some photographic mayhem!

Good As Gold

I LOVED this baby. He was too cute! Zane and his mother Hope were attending the F.U.N Show with Augusta Coin Exchange. I am sure Zane is a future coin dealer in the making. He was fine with one bag of money, but starting screaming when covered in gold and the only thing that quieted him was more bags of money!

Be sure to visit the FOTO FUN Booth at the 59th Annual F.U.N Show. After the show, retrieve your photographs from the F.U.N Forums FOTO FUN gallery!

Foto Fun For The Young At Heart!

We created the Minor Details FOTO FUN booth for the kids. However, playing dress up and taking photographs apparently has no age barrier! Evidently Tony Benn was right when he said "Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure."

Personally, I have a blast meeting and photographing the adults at our booth. It is always nice to meet people who embrace life and remain young at heart.

Photos top left to right: 1: Steve aka The Coin Explorer 2: Emily and Charla 3: Nancy Wilson 4: Catherine & Karen
Second Level Left To Right: 1: Jacksonville Coin Club 2: Ocala Coin Club
Third Level Left To Right: 1: Central Florida Coin Club members 2: Mr. Ferrao
Fourth Level Left To Right: 1: Ray & Fran Lockwood 2: Wizard Coin Supplies Karen, Wayne & Kyle 3: Mrs. Ferrao 4: Name Withheld

Grab Your Photo & Drop Us A Note

Saving your photograph to your computer.

1: Simply double click on the photograph thumbnail to enlarge the picture.

2: While viewing your photograph on the PhotoBucket website, look to your right. You will see your Media Options listed there.

3: Click Download to retrieve your photograph & save it to your computer. Be sure to save the photograph to My Pictures or a directory that you can locate easily later.

4: More Sharing Options you may reshare your photographs on your favorite social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Google+ etcetera ) by simply clicking the social network icon of your choice.

Remember, LiveJournal also offers you the ability to post and comment using your credentials from other external sites, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter. In addition, to sites that use OpenID So if you pop over to retrieve your photograph I would appreciate a shout out from you. Let us hear your thoughts on our photo project.

Just The Facts, Jack!

Erin Leigh: Erin's work appears on FUN Forums & FUN Convention TV as a "courtesy" to Florida United Numismatists. Copyright (c)2014 by Erin Leigh. This work by Erin Leigh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License Photograph(s) may be used within the terms of the license . Although, special arrangements may also be made for photographs. Please list photo attribution (credit) as "Erin Leigh” “FUN Forums" and link attribution to FUN Forums

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Quick Links To Recent Blog Entries

Charmy Harker's Penny Potpourri A Collection of Penny Creations

2014 F.U.N Member Club Get Together & Luncheon

2014 F.U.N Exhibit Awards

Coin Tales From the Bourse Floor: Carol Bastable Miss Love Token Herself, Talks About Collecting Love Tokens

Coin Tales From the Bourse Floor: Carol Bastable's Video Interview & Winning Original Hobo Nickel Society Exhibit

Coin Tales From the Bourse Floor: Beth Deisher Shares Details Of Her 30+ Years In The Numismatic Industry And Discusses Her New Book Cash In Your Coins Selling The Rare Coins You've Inherited

Coin Tales From the Bourse Floor: Kim Kiick, ANA Executive Director Interview

President's 2014 F.U.N Show Report, Plus Reports & Reviews From The Cyberworld, Blogosphere, Twittersphere & Coin Forums

2014 59th Annual F.U.N Show Photo Gallery

Foto FUN At The 59th Annual F.U.N Show

FUN Convention TV Interviews

Check out FUN Convention TV's interviews with FUN Member Dealers on F.U.N's bourse floor.

Connect with Florida United Numismatists on your favorite Social Networking sites.

Coin Tales From The Bourse Floor: Rick Snow, from Eagle Eye Rare Coins

Coin Tales From the Bourse Floor: Anthony Swiatek

Coin Tales From The Bourse Floor Bart Bartanowicz, Ph.D F.U.N Convention TV Interviews Bart Bartanowicz, Ph.D At The F.U.N Show & Learns About Collecting Affordable Modern Commemoratives

View A Listing Of Coin Tales From The Bourse Floor Video Interviews

View A Listing Of Explore The Bourse Floor Video Interviews

Browse Our Previously Posted Foto FUN Photo Galleries

Summer FUN Convention Photo Galleries

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Mark Your Calendars
Be sure to mark your calendar and come see us at the FUN Show!

8th Annual Summer FUN Convention: July 10-12, 2014
Orange County Convention Center West Building, Hall WA1, Orlando, Florida

60th Annual FUN Convention: January 8-11, 2015
Orange County Convention West Building, Hall WD, Orlando, Florida

9th Annual Summer FUN Convention: July 9-11, 2015
Orange County Convention West Building, Hall WA2, Orlando, Florida

61st Annual FUN Convention: January 7-10, 2016 Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida

62nd Annual FUN Convention: January 5-8, 2017 Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida

63rd Annual FUN Convention: January 4-7, 2018 Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida
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Thanking You In Advance,
fun_forums Mods ♥

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