saya 【saya no uta】

Mar 26, 2010 00:46

Name: Meg; Pedo
Are you over 16?: Yes!
Personal LJ: pedosaurus
Email: enjoy.your.aids @
Timezone: PST; -08:00
Other contact: AIM → Pedosaurus Rex
Characters already in the game: N/A
How did you find us?: Joining with a friend!

Character name: Saya
Fandom: Saya no Uta
Timeline: The "Bad" End, after she's killed by Kouji & Ryouko.
Age: She's only been in existence for a couple of years, technically.

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Here, have another link!

How would they use their abilities?: FOR LULZ. No, but really, it depends on the person in question. In reality, she just wants a world that she can live in where everyone will be kind to her, so if she experiments on anyone, it'll be in the hopes that maybe they'll see her as something other than a disgusting flesh beast. She'll use her powers to feed on NPCs too, of course. And, if she doesn't like someone, then she'll just be awfully passive aggressive and make their life miserable.

Saya’s true form is never completely shown, but throughout the novel, it is mentioned that she is slimy, smells disgusting, and has tentacles. Ougai, the first human she came in contact with, described her body as “not fibrous, but reticulated. In other words, it is an extremely tough substance that expands and contracts not in one direction, but in all directions.” Because of this, slashing and piercing wounds cannot do any damage to her, as all wounds are sealed instantly.

That, of course, is not the way she appears to Fuminori, the protagonist. To him, she looks like a beautiful girl with long, dark green hair (complete with two chunks on either side of her head that resemble something like animal ears-or perhaps a squid) and green eyes. Her form is not very filled out compared to some of the other female characters, but that does not stop her from being seductive. Saya wears a simple white sundress with a blue ribbon on the front and a pair of matching white sandals, and isn’t ever seen wearing anything else.

First of all, Saya is not human. Far from it, really. She is a creature from another universe, with no memory of life before waking up on Earth. She was discovered by a doctor named Ougai, who taught her how to communicate, as well as everything else she knows, and she’s still learning every day. He comes to realize that she is extremely intelligent and has an insatiable hunger for knowledge; her ability to learn is off the charts.

In the beginning, Ougai refers to Saya with male pronouns and it isn’t until she turns her attention from math to sociology and natural sciences that she begins to put together a kind of human identity for herself-which includes considering ‘himself’ a female, as she declares herself “a lifeform that needs the sperm of males” and expresses the desire to consume the sperm of living creatures (which she calls ‘instinct’).

Saya and her kind, of course, share the same ultimate goal that humans have: reproduction. Instead of having children, however, they spread their seed through different dimensions, and the probability of finding someone with which to breed is often slim-to-none. Because of this, what she is forced to do is hijack an entire species, usually the one with the most power over a planet, and remake all of them in her image, and she practices this ability on Yoh, by turning her into a creature just as she is.

However, the more Saya immerses herself in human culture and literature, the more human she seems to become, even given the fact that she is some grotesque organism. She becomes fond of romance novels, and this seems to hinder her natural ability to reproduce. Because of what she reads, she begins to believe that love is the key to reproduction, and since she’s never known love, she cannot reproduce. Of course, this changes when she meets Fuminori, who grows fond of her quickly.

Among an array of emotions, she also develops a sense of humor. She learns what puns are through Ougai finding her mispronunciation of words to be humorous, and so she begins to look for ways to tell jokes and make him laugh. Of course, she also admits to having a bit of a twisted sense of humor, when she tells Fuminori in the hospital that she likes to sneak into the rooms of mental patients and scare them, because no one will believe a word they say about a monster standing above their bed.

Physically, Saya’s body is designed specifically to manipulate the biology of other organisms. She begins by toying with rats, and later, when she is living with Fuminori, she experiments on the neighbor by getting inside his head and making him see things the way Fuminori does. This can also be seen as a way to get revenge on him for talking badly about Fuminori, who has stopped caring about the appearance of his front yard, as well as the smell emanating from the house. This quickly leads the neighbor to go crazy and slaughter his family before he sees Saya-the only beautiful thing in this horrible world-and when he rapes her, Fuminori manages to save her by killing him (who is another monster in his eyes). While she knows that it’s her fault, she feels better knowing that Fuminori cares about her, and that he doesn’t need anybody else. She likes knowing how much he depends on her, as it gives her a sense of belonging, in a place where she was once so very lonely.

Still, she tries one more experiment on Yoh, his old friend who had been in love with him. Luring the other girl into the house, she attacked and sodomized her before turning Yoh into exactly what she was-a slow, 24-hour process as her body decayed and her limbs fell off. Because of her ability, she was able to manipulate Yoh’s appearance, and made her finally appear beautiful to Fuminori as well. However, she makes it clear that Yoh is nothing more than a pet, and it’s quite an evil thing of her to do-yet it’s also clear proof of just how human Saya is. Instead of killing Yoh, like she did Oumi, she gave her a fate worse than death.

Though Saya can come off as cruel, depending on the person, she can also be quite bashful. For a long time, she refuses to eat in front of Fuminori, and he doesn’t understand that it’s because she is eating the organs of (once) living creatures. And when he finally catches her eating-one of his old friends, Oumi, actually-his warped senses have him thinking that she’s eating fruit, and this brings out his own cannibalistic nature as well, as he tries some and likes it-more than regular human food, which tasted repulsive to him after his accident.

Granted, everything she does is with Fuminori’s best interests in mind. Though she hates Yoh, she doesn’t want him to be lonely, so she gives him a pet.

And even in the face of death, Saya wants nothing more than to be at his side, crawling on the floor and enduring a severe beating as she touches his face one last time. Even in death, they’re together, and it proves just how human she is, even if Fuminori is the only person that can see it.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yes! Communicate using the FlamingFerret, mooch off of Fuminori instead of getting a job-unless she gets bored, go on missions, mindfuck people & steal their money, etc.

1st person sample:

[ It doesn't take very long for Saya to figure out how the FlamingFerret works, and so she decides to try it out. ]

So, Earth is gone? I guess that’s okay.

There wasn’t anything left for me on that planet, anyway...

[ There's only a brief lapse of time between when she makes her post, and when an edit appears down at the bottom of the entry. ]

EDIT: Has anyone seen a man named Fuminori? I know it’s unlikely, but I just thought I would ask. Maybe I’ll go out and look, just in case he’s here.

If I can wake up in a new place, then maybe he can, too.

3rd person sample:
One of the last things Saya remembered was liquid nitrogen. How it froze, how it burned, how it had her on the floor and screaming. And then there was an explosion, the doctor’s shotgun sending a pellet at her, and most of her body had been blown to smithereens. She couldn’t recover from something like that and so all she could do was flail-arms, legs, tentacles. She couldn’t tell what was up and what was down, and through it all, she could still hear his voice.

The one that comforted her, the one that cared for and loved her. Screaming her name, and with two swings of an axe, it was over. Fuminori crumpled to the dirty floor in a heap and Saya was trying to crawl to him, even as Kouji pierced her with that steel pipe-even as he brought it down again and again, swinging and yelling and telling her to die, die, die. She couldn’t, not yet.

Crying out in pain, Saya had to say goodbye.

She could feel her entrails being littered across the floor as she moved slowly, flesh coming off in chunks and blood spewing from her wounds, staining Kouji’s cheeks as he roared. Even as her hand-her slimy, rubber-like hand-reached out to touch his shoulder, his blood-stained cheek, Kouji continued swinging.

Saya remembered dying with him, and she remembered waking without him on the S.S. Thor, feeling utterly disoriented. She wasn't sure what to make of these new surroundings, but more than anything, she was confused. She was supposed to be dead, wasn't she? And, glancing down, she realized that she was supposed to look different.

"What's this?" she wondered aloud, lifting what appeared to be a pale white, human arm. She let her hands wander over this new body of hers, staring down at it, eyes wide with wonder. Saya wasn't quite sure what to make of this, but it was fascinating. Nothing like Yoh's own curvaceous figure, but it was certainly more appealing than the form Kouji and Ryouko had seen.

Rising from the bed, her legs wobbled slightly, and when she was able to take a couple of steps without stumbling, Saya moved slowly over to the window, peering outside.


"Hmm~? Maybe I'm dreaming..."

Questions?: Would it be all right if Saya appears human to everyone, for the sake of CR, but have the ability to shapeshift into her true, Shoggoth-like appearance (see: tentacles everywhere) when she's doing things like hunting and trolling? Mostly because I'm super mean-but I could also settle for her just looking human all the time, if that makes things easier. |D;

Did you put your character's name and fandom in the subject: Yes!

info, ooc

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