Prairie Dogs, Weight Loss, Vacation, Yay!

Dec 16, 2010 12:22

Prairie Dogs - my customer achieved a level of satisfaction with the project progress that they began returning control animals to the facility yesterday, and have instated BSL-2 level protocols.  This is a major step in re-occupancy, even though they don't want to admit that it is.

Weight Loss - the above-mentioned project has been grueling for the past 7+ weeks.  By last Friday I had been on site 43 of the 47 preceding calendar days.  Some of those were weekend or holiday days where I was on site for less than an hour, but still. WORK. EVERY. DAY!  Many of those days were 10 to 12 hours on site and some included more work at home (yesterday clocked in at 14 hrs I believe).  So as of this morning, I have lost ~8 lbs since September 1, when this phase of the project began.  I didn't start losing the weight until mid-November though (I know its probably not the recommended pace to be on).  Anyway, I am calling this "Goldy's too busy to eat, too tired to drink" weight loss plan.  I'm getting lunches still, but sometimes they're late, and sometimes they consist of what I thought was going to be my breakfast, and sometimes they're just a piece of fruit or a cup of soup.  But the biggest change is I just don't have the time or access for that snack that used to always occur between 3 and 4 o'clock.  Then I go home and have a lovely meal prepared by my long-suffering spouse.  It's usually ready as I'm coming in the door, so buh-bye pre-dinner drink(s), hello glass of wine with food.  It's become pretty consistent for that one glass of wine or beer to last until bedtime too - because when you're eating around 7, and collapsing in the bed by 9, there is just not all that much time for alcohol consumption.  Plus, some days I just want a nice cuppa tea.  So.  8 lbs down! During holiday season. Yay!  I think I've already noticed my bras are fitting better ::g::

Vacation - I've got to take 3 vacation days by the 31st in addition to the 3 holidays already on the calendar.  Today and tomorrow are the first 2.  Of course it took until noon to wrap up all my commitments, but now I'm on vacation until 2:00 pm Monday! Yay!  Why 2:00 pm?  Well, next week I have painters on site working 2nd shift and I have to supervise because I'm the only one authorized to set the security system at the end of the shift.  Mon-Thurs I'll be on second shift. Friday on holiday (thurs is also a holiday for my company but I'm deferring it to Jan 4), and Mon the 27th on vacation again.  Then on holiday from 12/31 through 1/4, YAY!

Tonight - I'm meeting up with friends at one of our favorite local restaurants to hang out in the bar for bday drinks.  Yay!

That's all for now :)

bday, weight, holiday, work
