This is not normally the kind of music I listen to, but I stumbled upon this in my sleepy blog-trawling earlier today and I've found myself listening to it over and over again.
Work Drugs are a band from Philadelphia that have put out less than ten songs, but each of these is GOOD. You know how sometimes on a large album you end up making a playlist of two-thirds or half or a third of the songs from it because you're sick of manually skipping past the boring or bad ones? These guys apparently removed the songs which we would have skipped past anyway.
(I feel like there's a quote about this in writing, too... "take out the parts which people skip" or something like that. Don't know who said it, as usual.)
They're described as "sedative-wave / smooth-fi", whatever the hell that means, but really what they make is the calmest, most pleasant music I have heard in a very long time. For a while, my mother kept insisting that I needed to listen to those horrible relaxation CDs, and I kept trying to explain to her that listening to an authoritative voice telling you when to breathe and to imagine energy flowing into you and all of that kind of crap would only infuriate me and disrupt my thoughts, not calm me, and that if I wanted relaxing music I could just listen to Rachmaninov's piano concertos or something like that.
This music, however, is what she really intended (or would have if she'd ever heard of it). It is enjoyable to listen to and is the kind of not-quite-electronica (yeah, yeah, I know I'm not savvy with music genres) that seems like it has some new element every time you listen to a song.
Work Drugs There you go, that's five of their songs in one place. Yes, yes, you're too lazy to click, I know, but go ahead and support real indie musicians. I really like this music, okay? And I think you should try it.
(Why, yes, I finally remembered to take a Ritalin for once and it's just starting to kick in, how ever did you know?)