Jan 25, 2030 21:44
I have decided to friends-lock my livejournal, because despite my pretensions to semi-anonymity, I post about real-life stuff in here, and things on the internet are not easily erased.
My fic and fandom-related things will remain unlocked. If you have seen me around and want to friend me, just say so, and I will probably friend you back after a little while.
Oh and you know all those secrets on FandomSecrets that say "can't express this fandom opinion because my flist will kill me"? I AM OFFICIALLY GIVING YOU PERMISSION TO HAVE YOUR OWN DAMN OPINIONS, if you are the sort of person who needs that kind of permission. If you dislike my favorite character, that is okay. If you post daily screeds about how much you hate my favorite character, I'll probably roll my eyes and unfriend you, but not freak out about it. I've been a lurker for a decade (since the age of 10), so I fancy myself able to deal with these things without any wank. *knock on wood* IRL, some people find me annoying because I talk too much. If this is so, you can always unfriend me.
But in general I try to be a nice person; you can go ahead and friend me, I won't bite.