24 Hour Round Two Reminder

Nov 06, 2007 23:56

This is for all of you that have prompts due for round two. There is only 1 day left to post your claim(s). All round one claims are due by 11:59PM EST today If you don't think you can finish your prompt by the deadline, please reply to this post or e-mail me so I can give you an extension.

General Rules:

- You must be a member of the community to participate.
- All fanworks posted must have Sirius and Remus as one of the main focal points.
- All fanworks posted must mention the events in Deathly Hallows in some way.
- A romantic relationship between Sirius & Remus is not mandatory, but highly encouraged.
- By participating you agree that your work can be later archived on the Full Moon Circle Archive

Posting Rules:

- You can post your claim(s) to the community at any time after we have confirmed your claims regardless of what round you chose.
- You can combine claims into one work, but only two at the most.
- If you miss the deadline for your prompt, said prompt will become open immediately and you won't be allowed to claim any more prompts.
- All claims must be posted here. No links or fake cuts. Posts with links or fake cuts will get a warning and 24 hours to fix it, if its not fixed your post will be removed.

Round Two - November 07, 2007

13/15 Accounted For

Prompt Number: 03. "Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

Prompt Number: 12. Something with Peter trying to rejoin the other three marauders in the afterlife.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

interrobanging - Extension until November 14
Prompt Number: 13. 'Harry had two godfather's' take on the resurrection scene.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

trolliepop - Extension until November 14
Prompt Number: 15. "I hear in my mind all of these voices, I hear in my mind all of these words. I hear in my mind all of this music, and it breaks my heart" (connect it with Remus's death).
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

Prompt Number: 22. Sirius is given the chance to save Remus's life during the final battle and doesn't.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

bonnieslasher - Extension until November 14
Promt number: 23. Remus is given the chance to save his own life and doesn't.
Type of fanwork: Fanart.

Prompt Number: 28. Tonks sees how heartbroken Remus was after Sirius died. She does what she can to make him happy. She falls in love with him, knowing full well where his heart truly lies.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

Prompt Number: 31. The Marauders all meet up again in the afterlife which, being shaped to meet your happiest memories, looks oddly like Hogwarts how it used to be. Remus was always in love with Sirius, and is still mourning, even though they're reunited. Maybe it's time to come clean. But it's difficult knowing he only has all eternity.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

Prompt number: 36. Teddy finds some of his dad's old love letters - never sent. Albus finds some of Sirius's. Whilst reading over them and wondering how neither could have known, Remus and Sirius are trying to fix that in the afterlife.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

hpsauce - Extension until November 14
Prompt Number: 42. Teddy grows up and falls in love w/guy but is an insecure teen so Remus and Sirius visit (in dreams or as ghosts or whatever) and tell him their story.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

spellbind_ing - Extension until November 14
Prompt Number: 51. Remus left behind a document that explained everything about his relationship with Sirius---complete with love letters and meaningful trinkets---in an envelope that could only be opened after his death. Teddy finds it.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

phoenixangel13 - Extension until November 14
Prompt Number: 53. Teddy starts to unconsciously make himself look like Sirius, without knowing who he is.
Type of fanwork: Fanart.

Prompt number: 62. AU: Remus refuses to fight now the only thing he was fighting to protect is gone.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

nohwrah - Extension until November 14
Prompt Number: 69. Sirius has been slowly losing his memory after having fallen through the veil.
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

Prompt Number: 108.
“I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms”
[Remus’ last thoughts before death]
'Set Fire to the Third Bar' - Snow Patrol
Type of fan work: Fanfic.

Remember tomorrow is also the last day to claim prompts for Round Three.

spellbind_ing I need you to contact me or reply here to know if you're going to finish the round one prompt you were given an extension for.

mod post, round: two

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