Prompt Claiming

Aug 25, 2007 00:11


Go through the prompt list, pick the one you want and comment with the following info per claim:

Prompt Number:
Type of fan work:

You can start working on them as soon as you receive confirmation from us.

General Rules:

- You must be a member of the community to participate.
- All fanworks posted must have Sirius and Remus as one of the main focal points.
- All fanworks posted must mention the events in Deathly Hallows in some way.
- A romantic relationship between Sirius & Remus is not mandatory, but highly encouraged.
- By participating you agree that your work can be later archived on the Full Moon Circle Archive

Claiming Rules:

- Two claims per medium per prompt. Ex. Two fanfics, two fanarts, two comics, etc
- Limit of three claims per participant at any time.
- You can claim the same prompt twice if you're doing two different types of fan works. Ex. You can do fic and art for the same prompt, but remember this would count as two claims.
- If you've reached the limit of claims and finish one or more, you can claim more prompts.

Posting Rules:

- You can post your claim(s) to the community at any time after we have confirmed your claims regardless of what round you chose.
- You can combine claims into one work, but only two at the most.
- If you miss the deadline for your prompt, said prompt will become open immediately and you won't be allowed to claim any more prompts.
- All claims must be posted here. No links or fake cuts. Posts with links or fake cuts will get a warning and 24 hours to fix it, if its not fixed your post will be removed.


First Round deadline: October 07, 2007
Second Round deadline: November 07, 2007
Third Round deadline: December 07, 2007

List of prompts:

Q - Quotes
L - Lyrics

1. Remus tries to find something Sirius-ish in Teddy since he's connected to the Black bloodline.
2. Remus wants to call the baby Sirius and Tonks refuses/isn't to keen on the idea.
3. "Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while." - Q - from The Princess Bride | Fanfic Claim (1/2): trolliepop
4. Sirius and Remus meet in the afterlife.
5. Remus's thoughts when he realizes why he left Tonks to find Harry in the beginning of DH.
6. 'Parents shouldn't leave their kids, unless they have too.'
7. Tonks sees Sirius and Remus the afterlife.
8. Just because harry drops the stone, doesn't mean the dead left him. Their reaction to the final battle.
9. Sirius watches Remus die. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): theemdash
10. "Having a son doesn't mean I didn't have a gay lover."
11. The last thing Remus sees as he dies is stars (real ones out the window, depiction of them somewhere in Hogwarts, whichever). | Art Claim (1/2): trowicia
12. Something with Peter trying to rejoin the other three marauders in the afterlife. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): cosmicm
13. 'Harry had two godfather's' take on the resurrection scene. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): interrobanging
14. Remus trying to explain his year with Tonks to Sirius ('well I sought comfort from her once, but she never knew that there was also this werewolf I met in St. Mungos...') And Sirius having a good laugh over it all. (preferably without Tonks bashing)
15. "I hear in my mind all of these voices, I hear in my mind all of these words. I hear in my mind all of this music, and it breaks my heart" (connect it with Remus's death) - L | Fanfic Claim (1/2): trolliepop
16. Something reminds Remus of Sirius shortly before he is killed and he knows that he's going to die and looks forward to it. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): vicious_lullaby
17. Tonks realizes that Remus didn't love her at all.
18. Remus can't bring himself to love Teddy or to accept him as his son.
19. Teddy dies/visits the afterlife and finds things to be different to what he expected. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): spellbind_ing
20. Sirius knows beforehand that Remus is going to die in the final battle. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): neko_myka
21. Remus has to decide where he goes in the afterlife and who he gets to spend eternity with.
22. Sirius is given the chance to save Remus's life during the final battle and doesn't. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): dreaminginblack
23. Remus is given the chance to save his own life and doesn't. | Art Claim (1/2): bonnieslasher
24. Teddy asks why there aren't any pictures of him with both his parents.
25. Sirius isn't expecting to see Remus so soon.
26. Teddy finds out about his father and Sirius and that their relationship was more than friends. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): cobalt_violet
27. Harry finally joins his family in the afterlife.
28. Tonks sees how heartbroken Remus was after Sirius died. She does what she can to make him happy. She falls in love with him, knowing full well where his heart truly lies. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): jizai
29. Remus never stopped mourning. And in the end, that's what killed him. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): missnatalie27
30. Remus sees some of Sirius in Tonks. And it grows. He goes mad with grief to the point he hallucinates and imagines her to be Sirius. And he falls in love with her that way. Until she realizes what it's all about.
31. The Marauders all meet up again in the afterlife which, being shaped to meet your happiest memories, looks oddly like Hogwarts how it used to be. Remus was always in love with Sirius, and is still mourning, even though they're reunited. Maybe it's time to come clean. But it's difficult knowing he only has all eternity. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): mindabbles
32. Since Sirius's death, Remus would visit the place that took him away. Just once a day. He'd sit in front of the veil and talk to him. Tell him everything. Until one day it talks back. And brilliant things begin to happen.
33. Deathly Hallows AU: on All Hallows Eve the veil thins between the land of the living and the land of the dead. Nobody expected it to mean quite literally. It can thin enough to hold a conversation. To recognize faces. To pass through. But once you're through there is no coming back. Remus doesn't care.
34. A portrait of Sirius hangs in Remus's house. A portrait that can let him pretend he's still alive. But Sirius finds out the hard way, death doesn't stop you feeling, and sometimes it makes you feel even more. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): loveliesfamous
35. Sirius wastes the afterlife watching over Remus. No matter how much it hurts. James figures it all out. And the two have a long talk about feelings. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): phoenixangel13
36. Teddy finds some of his dad's old love letters - never sent. Albus finds some of Sirius's. Whilst reading over them and wondering how neither could have known, Remus and Sirius are trying to fix that in the afterlife. | Fanfic Claim (2/2): oz_the_bobble & oddsbobs
37. Remus is dying on the battlefield. Sirius, not wanting him to die alone, somehow becomes a ghost and appears beside him. He offers him the choice of staying to fight by Tonks's side or walking into the afterlife with him. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): spellbind_ing
38. Remus has to choose between spending the afterlife with Tonks, who he loved and married, or Sirius who he was in love with and never told.
39. "Is this all you plan on spending eternity doing? Watching him?" "It's all I did when I was alive." | Fanfic Claim (2/2): dreaminginblack & rian219
40. Sirius's one regret is that he never told Remus how he felt. Mourning the dead is one thing, but mourning the living?
41. Werewolves are sterile or Remus is, thus Teddy is not Remus' son. So this is why Remus felt no remorse in leaving Tonks when he did. He of course loves Sirius.
42. Teddy grows up and falls in love w/guy but is an insecure teen so Remus and Sirius visit (in dreams or as ghosts or whatever) and tell him their story. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): hpsauce
43. Remus sorts through his belongings to move in with Tonks. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): bohemian_geek
44. AU, Harry accepts Remus' offer for 'the three to become four.' Sirius makes five.
45. Remus, Sirius, and James decide to do some haunting.
46. Someone, at some point, told Tonks that Sirius had been in love with Remus. Not until the afterlife does she realize that Remus knew, and loved him back.
47. "I only loved one man in my life, and I had to lose him twice." - Q Cyrano de Bergerac
48. A shred of hope, a little bit of sweetness---anything, please, except for defeat. L 'Sweet Tangerine' by The Hush Sound
49. Darkness, darkness everywhere; do you feel all alone? L 'You Are the Moon' by The Hush Sound
50. My name is on the tip of your tongue, my image is slipping, but your memory is gripping it; this is my breath in your lungs. L 'Echo' by The Hush Sound | Comic Claim (1/2): dagger_calica
51. Remus left behind a document that explained everything about his relationship with Sirius---complete with love letters and meaningful trinkets---in an envelope that could only be opened after his death. Teddy finds it. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): spellbind_ing
52. A homophobic Teddy asks Harry about his parents.
53. Teddy starts to unconsciously make himself look like Sirius, without knowing who he is. | Fanfic Claim (2/2): cobalt_violet & oddsbobs | Art Claim (1/2): phoenixangel13
54. They made a promise back in school, a pact, that if the war got either of them they'd always find one another again. Always. When Sirius is taken, Remus remembers. And when he follows, he finds Sirius waiting.
55. "I'd promise you the stars if I thought that you could bear the scars."
56. Remus is angry at Sirius for leaving him. Irrationally angry. Whilst everyone else mourns and swaps stories of how amazing he was, all he can throw in are quips of everything he had ever done wrong. It hurts them all. But it hurts Remus more. Because, really, he loved him - loves him - but he never told him. And it's eating him alive. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): missnatalie27
57. Remus was expecting a lot out of the afterlife, but not the literal sense of "you get what your heart most desires". And upon his arrival Sirius is waiting for him - rather nakedly. But there's a catch. Whilst you get what your heart most desires, none of it is decidedly real. Which he finds out the hard way when, during an intimate encounter with "hearts desire" Sirius, real Sirius turns up. And then things get awkward. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): dreaminginblack
58. The Marauders in the afterlife and talk of "the curious incident of 79" of which involved Remus walking in on himself and Sirius having sex on the bed. Sirius's drunken begging and James's terrible experience with polyjuice. The truth comes out.
59. Remus has been hopelessly in love with Sirius since fourth year. A secret he said he would take to the grave. Unfortunately, he's beyond that now, and has no choice but to come clean.
60. AU: Sirius did come back as a ghost after all, but managed to hide himself very well. He follows Remus's entire life. And rather than soothing him, knowing he's safe, it hurts him more than he thought anything ever could.
61. Remus's patronus is a big shaggy dog. Tonks asks why. She just never prepared herself for the answer.
62. AU: Remus refuses to fight now the only thing he was fighting to protect is gone. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): loveliesfamous
63. Before leaving Grimmauld Place for the battle at the ministry, Sirius told Tonks to "look after Remus" if he never made it back. She took it further than he would have liked. And when he meets up with them both in the afterlife a big confrontation takes place. And a big snog. But between who? | Comic Claim (1/2): jizai
64. The Marauders find pranks in the afterlife are a tad more difficult than they used to be in Hogwarts. So James decides to rely on human pranks and convinces Sirius and Remus to pretend to be a couple. Except none of them were really expecting the comments of "we saw it coming" or "finally". And Remus and Sirius are forced to face up to a few things in death that they never could bring themselves to in life.
65. With the death of the last Marauder, the map begins revealing some of its creators secrets and stories... | Fanfic Claim (2/2): loveliesfamous & oddsbobs
66. Andromeda knew Sirius and Remus were in a relationship together, and now that Remus is going to marry her daughter, she has some questions.
67. Andromeda tells Teddy about his father and mother and his father and Sirius. (There are many ways to love Teddy, and just because you loved someone once, doesn't mean you can never love another person, or that you stop loving the first.)
68. Snape narrates the post-resurrection stone reunion of Remus and Sirius.
69. Sirius has been slowly losing his memory after having fallen through the veil. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): nohwrah
70. Remus arrives in the afterlife only to discover that he must pass an elaborate and grueling series of spiritual tests in order to be reunited with Sirius.
71. Remus kept Lily’s letter for years, and chose a special moment to give it back to Sirius in Grimmauld place.
72. Harry moves into Grimmauld place while in Auror training, and goes through Sirius’s things in more depth than before. He discovers a few things about his godfather that thoroughly shake the view he holds dear.
73. On a few occasions throughout the year, Sirius can move outside the veil and visit the people that he loves, unseen and unheard. Remus is always first on the list. | Fanfic Claim (2/2): hpsauce & cosmicm
74. 'I have cried and mourned my loss. My heart keeps beating only for you.' - L 'Forever Walking Alone' by Dragonland
75. When a loved one dies sometimes they take a part of your soul with them. When Sirius Black died he literally took a part of Remus's soul and when Remus dies its time to give it back.
76. Remus decides he wants to spend the afterlife with Sirius, James, and Lily. Somewhere where Tonks doesn't belong. Sadly she refuses to let him go. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): neko_myka
77. Remus goes visit the veil after his fight with Harry at Grimmauld Place. | Fanfic Claim (1/2): bohemian_geek | Art Claim (1/2): jizai
78. "My kind don't usually breed' - Q Remus in DH
79. Remus starts a relationship with Tonks because she can morph into looking like Sirius.
80. "I will follow your ghost as it climbs up the rock-face, and lie with you on the grass above and I'd like to change all this and I'd like to wake up from this by your side" - L 'If I found the right words to say' by Snow Patrol | Fanfic Claim (1/2): bohemian_geek
81. "how to be dead" - L "How to be Dead" by Snow Patrol | Fanfic Claim (1/2): orngsnapdragon
82. "Even if you cannot hear my voice I'll be right beside you dear" - L 'Run' by Snow Patrol
83. "I tried to tell you before I left but I was screaming under my breath you are the only thing that makes sense" - L 'It's beginning to get to me' by Snow Patrol
84. "The final word in the final sentence you ever uttered to me was love" - L 'Make this go on forever' by Snow Patrol | Fanfic Claim (1/2): trolliepop
85. "Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine and we'll walk from this dark room for the last time" - L 'Open your eyes' by Snow Patrol | Fanfic claim (1/2): pie_is_good
86. "I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone" - L 'Affirmation' by Savage Garden
87. "I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye" - L 'Affirmation' by Savage Garden
88. "I believe in love surviving death into eternity" - L 'Affirmation' by Savage Garden
89. Remus must confront the Wolf to continue on in the afterlife, Sirius (+others, either way ok) helps him. Wolf as a separate, aggressive (though not evil) identity.
90. Werewolves mate for life. Remus already choose his mate a long time ago with Sirius and the wolf in Remus will never allow him to fully belong to Tonks.
91. “I touch the place where I'd find your face” [Remus goes through his old wizard photo album in Hogwarts before the final battle] L 'Fire to the Third Bar' - Snow Patrol
92. “She tied you to a kitchen chair, she broke your throne, she cut your hair, and from your lips she drew the Hallelujah” [perhaps in reference to Tonks] L Hallelujah' - Rufus Wainwright
93. “Maybe I have been here before, I know this room; I have walked this floor, I used to live alone before I knew you” [Remus walks through Sirius’ room after his death] L Hallelujah' - Rufus Wainwright | Fanfic Claim (1/2): phoenixangel13
94. “I've seen your flag on the marble arch, love is not a victory march, it's a cold and its a broken Hallelujah” L Hallelujah' - Rufus Wainwright
95. “Remember when I moved in you; the holy dark was moving too, and every breath we drew was Hallelujah” [The pup’s indulge in memories] L Hallelujah' - Rufus Wainwright
96. Someone tells Teddy that he reminds them of Sirius. [pic]
97. In this case, the afterlife is some kind of like real life. One day Sirius is out and about and runs into Tonks. Somehow Remus is mentioned and awkwardness ensues.
98. Remus dies and finds himself with Tonks and no Sirius. He has to fix this situation somehow.
99. Teddy grows up with Andromeda, who knew about that Sirius and Remus were together at Hogwarts. She doesn't like to mention his father and he finally demands to know why. Teddy is left very much confused and a little upset.
100. Gay marriage is legal and as socially acceptable as het marriages in the afterlife.
101. Remus got a tattoo in between Sirius's and his own death. What is it a tattoo of?
102. In the afterlife, there are multiple versions of people depending on how other people want them to be. InlovewithTonks!Remus exists, but so does SmittenwithSirius!Remus. (Bonus for multiple versions of Lily as a subplot!) | Fanfic Claim (1/2): carmine_ink
103. James, Lily, and Siirus comes to meet Remus at "Kings Cross" and sees the flayed child out the window.
104. Colin Creevey won't leave his old professor alone in the afterlife.

105. Soon you will see
all of your fears will pass away,
safe in my arms
you're only sleeping.
'Into the West' by Annie Lennox
106. Simple lives we once left behind,
We’re so distracted now.
Secret lives we have lived inside,
We’re going backwards now.
And you don’t even know my name,
And I know every constellation.
'Seven Stars' by Apples in Stereo
107. “What raging fireshall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction lies before us?
Past the point of no return, the final threshold”
[Remus and Sirius have a fiery reunion]
(Point of no Return- Phantom of the Opera)
108. “I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms”
[Remus’ last thoughts before death]
'Set Fire to the Third Bar' - Snow Patrol
Fanfic Claim (1/2): interrobanging

Thank you to all our prompters:

neko_myka, pie_is_good, twilight_near, theemdash, bonnieslasher, audacia85, spellbind_ing, loveliesfamous, flo_cleo, mindabbles, spamala97, carmine_ink, orngsnapdragon, lyraeinne, citlal, zanzou_chan, missnatalie27, Fading


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