What's really on my kind, lately.

Dec 22, 2004 22:15

Well, WoW is messed up, so I can't drown out the dogs barking in my head with the beuaty and tranquility of the Barens' plains. Instead, I decided to watch the Two Towers extended edition. The entire trilogy is now finally mine and so, with little else to do besides wrap Christmas presents or go get my hair cut, I decided to be lazy. Let me tell you all one thing - Chinese food + Lord of the Rings = nearly orgasmic.

I always get misty-eyed during the Two Towers and Return of the King - and always when the Rohirrim make their grand charge. I hate horses. I think they're ugly and stinky. But man, whenever I see the Riders of Rohan charge into battle I just find it inspiring. I found myself tearing up a bit more than usual, though, tonight. I guess it has to do with the culmination of all my melancholy thoughts of late. It scares me to think that I may allow myself to forget all the friends I've made over the past years. It scares me, too, to think that people will forget me. I'm scared to see how these thoughts are influenced when I go up for New Year's. Most of all, I'm scared I won't be able to see everyone I want to see for New Year's.

Yesterday, Jen and I hit our 6 month anniversary. Half a year. I can't wait to see her so we can celebrate it properly. I miss the girl terribly and this week has really been terrible for me (and her, too, I imagine). With the hectic final holiday work schedule, neither one of us have had a day that's been in synch so we can have a nice long phone conversation with each other. As corny as it sounds, I actually called her just to leave a message and hear her voice through the voice mail.

As an aside, while I'm thinking about it, I'm voting January 3rd to be the official "Sit on your ass at home and watch the entire LotR trilogy day"! At least you'll all know where I am and what I'm doing.

I keep having little ideas for stories, but am always at work when it happens - thus I don't write them down and inevitably forget them later. It's very annoying. I bet I've lost 3-5 good ideas this way so far just this week.

{[pauses as he pokes around the net...]}

One of my favorite things to do is argue about stupid nerd things. Case in point - I've been posting in a Naruto forum about who would win in a fight between Neji and Gaara. The answer to this question is unimportant. What is important (and really f-ing annoying) is that fact that I've been arguing the point back and forth with this one guy who doesn't back up any of his arguments with solid information from the series. Neji is his favorite character, so he just assumes that he'd win the fight and it is unendingly infuriating. Case in point.

{[pauses to make sure the html works...]}

Ugh. I'm just not satisfied with what I've written here. It feel like I'm forgetting something important - or that I haven't touched on something that needs to be touched on, or that I touched on something that needs to be touched on, but what I really need to do is go more in-depth.

In any case, thanks for reading my rag-tag thoughts. I've got chores to do, then sleep.

PS - if you actually click on the link and skim through the foum, you'll find my posts undcer "Restless Shinobi"
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