Jun 05, 2006 13:48
My little 21 month old has suddenly turned into a talking person. I mean, in the past few weeks, he went from monkey-grunts and signs to full-on sentences--skipped the whole two-word sentence phase. "How'reyoumother?" was the first one that floored me. The next was, "Linda (his pet name for me), you me mommy!". This morning when his dad left for work he asked, "Mommy, where me Deff go?" Just now, as he sits at my feet playing with some toys he exclaimed, "Thereitgoes!" and "Canyoushutthat?" My favorite is probably when he tells his brother, "Mashew, diaper dooey!" (diaper duty) or when he delightedly says, "Ohwowdat'sneat!" He has also started naming his stuffed animals and can't go to sleep without his panda bear, "Boppy." It's like watching evolution right before my eyes and it is astounding.
And he has recently become fascinated with tools, in all their forms and varieties. Hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, c-clamps, levels, measuring tapes, plumb lines, anything he can get his hands on. It's not as if I am pushing him towards them--he just loves to play with the tools in the kit that I keep under my desk in the sunroom. He sits and plays with them and "fixes" things as he merrily hums away. Occassionally he will stop and pull out his little notebook he keeps tucked down the front of his Onesie and "write" something on it with the pen he keeps secreted down there as well, maybe notes for some future design--I don't read toddler so I don't know what he is so diligently taking notes about.
I guess I should go be a mother--I just noticed that he pulled out all the wipes and has filled the now empty container with alan wrenches and staples for the staple gun.