Travel update 1

Jun 09, 2010 05:41

Sooo, this turned out not to be my travel journal since my access to internet is unpredictable and my Ipod touch that I was writing all my journals in got jacked at the train station. Since I'm currently between journals (aka haven't had a chance to buy a paper journal to replace my Ipod), I figured I would do a quick update.

Traveling is beyond amazing. It's nothing like what I thought it would be in the most amazing way.
In general I'm really proud of myself for not being homesick at all, for being pretty freaking good at navigating myself around countires I've never been to and can't speak the language of, and for being able to do all of this without losing my mind.

I can't pinpoint a favorite place or momment because they've all been sooo different. The first night in Paris is probably the highlight of the Euro trip thus far. Israel seems like a world away. Ahh soo much has happened in such a short time I can't believe I fucking lost all my journals!!!!

I've spent a good amount of this trip being homeless. It's funny how comfortable I've become with the idea of not having a place to sleep or asking a stranger to sleep on their couch (thank God for couchsurfing btw, it is amazing!). I am currently homeless. Jackie and I decided not to book a hostel for tonight in Madrid since we have such an early flight in the morning. Our plan was to go out all night and stay out till our airport shuttle at 5am (which is really easy to do here cause the nightlife doesn't get started till 1am--my type of place :). But of course the travel Gods hate me so it started pouringg out of no where. We snuck back into our old hostel and are napping on couches and stealing the wifi until we come up with a plan. Yet none of this upsets or worries me. I'm just gonna go with the flow and whatever happens, happens. Jackie hasn't adopted my new outlook on life and traveling and is a bit of a worrywart. Maybe after a month she'll see that worrying gets you no where in these situations...maybe she wont.

If traveling with various people throughout these past 5 weeks has taught me anything it's that everyone travels differently. You can put 100 people you know and get along with well in the same travel situation and I promise they would all react differently. Camilla has panic atttacks when stressed, Jenna gets upset and a bit bitchy, Jackie freaks out and ruins her mood, and I..I either completely withdraw from the situation or I get a bit mean. You learn quickly that traveling can bring out the best and worst in people. It brought out the best in me and Jenna I think, and not so much for the others....

This hostel is full of annoying Americans and Brits. It's funny how traveling makes you realize how annoying your culture is in comparison to others. I think that's why I don't miss people as much as I thought I would. I feel like the Americans I interact with make me think Americans are stupid. I do miss the comforts of home though, and just being able to pick up the phone and call my besties to see what's up. I'm happy I've been too busy to freak out about what's going on at home. Camp has me worried a bit. The fact that I wont be there for the InService is some of the shittiest news I've heard since I've been gone. I feel like when I get back I'm going to handle camp a bit differently. Less nice, more real. Shit has to get done and go more smoothly then last summer or I really think this will be the end of me and Camp Encino. But now is not the time to stree about that. And who knows, maybe the staff will really surprise me this summer.

Ughh so much real life is waiting for me when I get back. I wish I could just travel and avoid reality forever.
But part of me is really excited to come back and get the ball rolling on my future. I think this trip turned out to be exactly what I needed to get myself motivated. It's shown me that there are a lot of options out there and I just need to put my concentration into making what I want happen, instead of avoiding it. Yay traveling, you've been not only amazing but also productive!!!

Ok this was a pretty lame update, but it's better than nothing. Maybe the stars will allign in my favor and whoever stole my Ipod will figure out a way to send me the info on it, cause that's all I want at this point...haha yeah right. But a girl can dream can't she?

Hasta Manana!

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