great weeks need to be remembered

Feb 15, 2010 02:21

I feel like I've had soo many great weeks lately that were wonderful for the simplest reasons.
I've just been spending so much time doing fun little things with people I love and it's really making me appreciate how wonderful life can be.

Soo, it's time to make a note of why this week has been so awesome!

Sunday 2/7 - Superbowl Sunday! It was an awesome afternoon spent with the fam at my cousin Shiva's house. Just tons of great food and quality family time. Then Cat and I went for a stroll around my neighborhood and we ran into Ayda! I hadn't seen her in so long so we went to Crave and caught up. It was lovely! Then Cat and I took Maigan to her first bar in LA! Steve let us bring her to Wangs so we all chilled there and pigged out on wings. She loved it and I was glad I could make her so happy by bringing her there. Plus, at Wangs I ran into Mickle! We chilled and chatted for a while and made fun of his uber hipster friends. A fun day filled with running into people I miss/love.

Monday 2/8- Had work and then I went to Lauren's house for our Monday night Bachelor nights. Ate at The Counter with Laur and Sylvia and then spent 2 hours loving/hating the bachelor with Laur, Sylv, Matt & the dogs. I know it seems like a weird thing to make me soo happy but this Monday night ritual is an amazing part of my week!

Tuesday 2/9 - Dinner with D-Town and Sam. I love/missed my thugs so it was super nice to chill and eat with them. And after Sam left Dustin and I got to talking and I realized just how flipping awesome he is. Those thugs are some good peeps

Wednesday 2/10 - Valentine's party with Sherry! We got all dressed up which was fun and went to her friends Vday party in Westwood. It was really funny watching a bunch of desperate people in their late 20's scrambling around this house trying to find people to hit on. Afterward Sherry and I went to Friday's to stuff our face and catch up. It was karaoke night which was a nice surprise. I <3 my cousins, they're amazing.

Thursday 2/11 -Movie date w/ Hannah. I saw Dear John with my Dabby and got to catch up with her which was wonderful cause I miss her like crazy and we'd both been wanting to see that movie so it all worked out perfectly!  Then I went to the opening of the W hotel with Yuki! Omg soo much good food and free alcohol! I ate like 5 million burgers from Boa and some sushi and tried all sorts of fancy drinks. Yuki and I got free massages and spent a lot of time stalking reality TV stars like Justin Bobby and Mike "the mizz". And then Ashanti performed and Yuki and I were front row and the only people into it so she totally sang to us! it was Awesome! (she even tweeted thanks after) lol. Good times!

Friday 2/12 - We Are Lions and InMemory show w/ Yuki. Honestly just such and amazing fucking show. They played sooo well! and listening to them brought me back to when I was 18. It was such a crazy/weird/fun flashback. After the show Yuki and I got our dance on in the bar. Then we went to meet up with Mickle and the boys at a weird ass bar called PC's. Some old creepy people did karaoke, and we chatted with Marco, Reza and Matt for a bit. It was fun seeing what we never got to do when we used to go to the shows cause we weren't old enough. All in all it just made me really fucking miss InMemory and WAL...and miss being 17-19 and going to their shows all the fucking time.

Sarturday 2/13 - Job interview for the census which I think went well, and then Monster Anaheim Supercross with Jenny. The supercross event was fun as usual. We mingled with her bosses and their friends and walked around the stadium 6000 times. Saw lots of yummy moto boys. Went to the Hart & Huntington after party. and most importantly, got to spend lots of quality time with my best friend.

Sunday 2/14 - Valentine's day. Went on my first hike at Runyon Canyon with Cat. It was really nice. The view was gorgeous, the company was great, and it just made me feel good about myself to be so active and go hiking :). Then we went to Wangs to stuff our face and found out they were having an anti-valentines day celebration so we stayed for that and enjoyed our second year in a row as each others valentines <3

So I know it all seems real simple and normal but it's just been amazing to see someone different that I love everyday and get to do fun things with them :)
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