It's Year Spaceship!!!

Jan 16, 2010 00:05

1. Find Happiness
-Last year I read the quote "either happiness or peace, let it enfold you" during a very tumultuous time in my life. And from that moment on, 2008 became about finding peace for me. And I succeeded! By the end of last year I think I was the most at peace with myself that I’ve ever been. I really became aware of how much you control your own happiness by what you let affect you and what you dwell on. So since I succeeded at part one of that quote, 2009 is about part two, finding happiness. Last year wasn’t a very happy year for me and only four months into this year I’m confident in saying that this year will be.

Sooooo, as of Jan 1, 2010 I can say that this resolution was a SUCCESS! I could get into a lot of detail about how I realized that true happiness comes from understanding that your actions/reactions are your own and because of that you are the only person who can decide what makes you happy. People are constantly doing shitty things (to you, to others, to themselves) and you can either get hung up on all that and let it bring you down or you can accept that that is who they are but that is not you. Everyone is the maker of their own happiness because only you can define what makes you happy. So in 2009 I found tons of things that made me happy.
Blink 182 got back together and Jenny and I devoted ourselves to following/meeting/watching them.
I graduated from college! I spent my last quarter living with amazing people!
I TAed and lead discussions for classes I love.
I went to Vegas for my birthday with a dozen amazing people
I went to New York. Fell in love with Boston. Traveled up and down the west coast from Mexico to Portland. Got to explore Chicago. :)
I met all my favorite FMX riders
Played with my amazing cousins all the time
Found 2 bars I loved (that loved me back) and made them my go to spots (HE and Wangs)
Celebrated Jen's 22nd to the max
Got close with Jackie
Met LMFAO & AJ & Kristen Bell & Mark & Tom & Twitch & Bilko & Deegan & some Degrassi bitches
Had the most hilarious trivia nights with the Brians
Got close with Sam and his thugs
Went to a life changing Invisible Children event
Had amazing dinner and House nights with Cherie
Rebuilt/strengthened old friendships and made tons of new ones

2. Make 2009 different!

- I’ll be the first to admit that I hate change, but, I really wanted this year to stand out in my mind. I wanted to do things that I never thought I would, go places that I’ve always wanted to go to, meet as many people as I could, and just live out every experience. So far so good on that one too!

Such a success!!! By far one of the most different/exciting/important years in my life

3. Travel more!

Trip to San Fran with Jen
Mini crew trip to SB
New York and Boston with Jackie
Vegas for my b-day
Portland with the roomies
Long Beach and Palm Springs with the cousins
First cruise to Mexico with the cousins
Drove all around southern cali for concerts and moto events
Chicago with Baha

4. ________________

This one is censored. The best way to sum it up is to call it “Don’t give in...” It was a personal goal, and honestly I already failed it, but oh well.

This one turned out to be a failure. But I'm okay with that. I guess I just have to accept that sometimes I'm too weak to say no or stand up for myself. But in doing so realize that some of the people I let walk all over me do actually care about me. They just occasionally forget how to show it.

5. Graduate with a high GPA and honors!

Hell yes success!!!
3.85 GPA, graduated magna cum laude, and a part of Phi Beta Kappa honor society

6. Figure out after graduation plans….have a legit answer for the epic “what do you want to do after you graduate” question.

FAIL! and please don't ask because I still don't have and answer

7. Have the best camp summer ever!

HAHAHAHA FAIL! Consider it one of the most stressful camp summers ever!!! I straight up cried. It was a success if you look at it from the outside thought because it was one of our biggest camp summers ever and parents were pretty please. But on a personal level it was one of the most trying and under appreciated summers of my life.

8. Get better at following through with things

-I have a tendency to have an idea and think it out, then never complete it. Bad, bad habit. Must get over it. Do things right after I think of them, no more waiting and putting things off.
Yeah, no, I didn't really accomplish this. But change is a long process and I'm still working on it!

Now out with the old and in with the new!

2010 Resolutions:

1. Think Less, Live More
- no more letting my mind make my decisions or keep me from great experiences. It's time to just do.

2. Figure out what I'm doing with my life in the short term
-i.e. no trying to figure out my whole future, just my goals/plan for the next year or so

3. Be in a serious, committed relationship
-simply put, it's about time

4. Travel, Travel, Travel!
-Anywhere and everywhere

5. Don't hold grudges for more than a day
- anything more than that is a waste of time and energy. So if I get mad at someone, I'm making myself get over it by midnight.

6. Take some form of performance/art class
- Dancing, acting, painting, photography, etc.

7. Meet Ryan at his wedding
-lets see if he actually goes through with this marriage

8. Get out of my comfort zone...try new things
- No Happy Endings for a while (short term goal of 2 months). Time to find some new places and people. Maybe try some drugs. Break a law or 2. Get used to traveling alone and not always having a person/place to fall back on

to be continued...

resolutions, 2010

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