If I Could Take It All Back I Would Now

Dec 04, 2010 19:20

Title: If I Could Take It All Back I Would Now
Pairing: Mitchie/Alex
Chapter: Eleven
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Mitchie Torres finds herself in an awkward situation. Stuck between her first love and the love of her life, she makes the wrong choice and finds herself wishing that she could take it all back and try again. Life rarely gives second chances, will Mitchie get hers?
Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Disney. I just borrowed them for the purpose of my story.

A/N:I’m so sorry that this is late. I left the chapter at home and didn’t go back until this morning. I was planning to post it before 8 am pacific time, but I got home to find that the power was out in my town. Talk about SPOOKY! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Mitchie sat on a blanket in front of the fireplace as she heard the storm rage on outside. Shortly after they went in for lunch it had started pouring and it showed no signs of stopping any time soon. She had put Sarah to bed in Alex’s bedroom about an hour earlier and Alex was in the kitchen cleaning up the remains from dinner.

Alex stood behind the couch and watched Mitchie quietly. She had put her yellow sundress back on and was staring at the fire intently. She took the two cups of hot chocolate and sat next to Mitchie. “What are you thinking?” she asked quietly as she handed one of the cups to Mitchie and sat next to her staring at the fire as well.

“That this is what I always dreamed of. If I hadn’t been stupid and made such a horrible mistake, we would be a family. This would be a typical family outing and if we were still together we would be …” stopped Mitchie wiping the tears from her eyes.

Alex took the cup back and set them both on the coffee table behind her before reaching a hand up to cup Mitchie’s face. “We would be making love in front of the fire place,” she whispered completing Mitchie’s sentence, before capturing her lips in a soft kiss. She slowly lay Mitchie down. “What’s stopping us?” she questioned as she leaned in to kiss Mitchie again, but Mitchie turned her head.

“You’re engaged Alex and weren’t you saying earlier that she trusts you. Don’t do to her what I did to you. You’re not an idiot like me Alex, don’t ruin your relationship. Besides, I don’t want to be a one night stand. I know that I fucked up big time and that you think I’m a whore, but I still love you. I can’t be with you one night and then have you disappear from my life again,” cried Mitchie.

Alex cupped Mitchie’s face gently. “I lied. Christy is my best friend and she’s dating my contractor, George. When I saw you again I felt my heart break at what you had become and I could see myself taking you back so I lied to hurt you. You hurt me when you told me that you had slept with Shane and I wanted to get back at you. I want you and Sarah in my life. That’s why I brought you two here today. I wanted you to see that we make a great family. I love you Michelle Torres. I never stopped loving you. I gave my heart to you years ago and it’s yours forever,” whispered Alex.

Mitchie looked at Alex desperately wanting to believe her, but she couldn’t allow herself to give into her feelings. “Alex, are you lying just to get back at me? I wouldn’t be able to handle that,” said Mitchie softly as Alex continued to hover over her.

Alex leaned down and pecked Mitchie’s lips softly. “When have I ever lied to you Mitchie? Well besides the whole dating Christy thing, but that doesn’t count. If you don’t believe me call Christy and ask her,” said Alex sitting up and grabbing her cell phone from the coffee table. “But that’s totally gonna kill the mood,” she joked.

Mitchie sat up and took Alex’s phone, but tossed it on the couch. She pulled Alex back on top of her. “Shut up and kiss me Russo,” requested Mitchie which Alex happily obliged. Mitchie breathlessly pulled away with a soft smile on her face. I can’t believe that you’re willing to forgive me. I want nothing more than to form a family with you,” said Mitchie as she wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck. “I swear Alex. If I could take it all back I would now. Cheating on you was stupid, but not as stupid as letting you go without a fight,” whispered Mitchie.

“I hate that you cheated, Mitch, but I wouldn’t want you to take it back even if you could. Your mistake gave us our daughter,” said Alex softly as she kissed Mitchie passionately. Her hand found its way under Mitchie’s sundress as she lazily caressed her inner thighs before she moved up to gently tease her clothed center. She helped Mitchie sit up and slowly removed the sundress and pulled on the string that held her bikini top on. “I’ve missed you,” she said softly as she leaned in to kiss Mitchie and lay her back down. Alex removed her tank top and her boxers before lying on top of Mitchie enjoying the feeling of their naked breasts against each other. Alex slowly kissed down Mitchie's body and pulled the string to untie her bikini bottoms. She rubbed lazy circles over Mitchie’s clit with her thumb as she went back up her body to capture her lips. Alex slowly penetrated Mitchie with one finger.

“I haven’t been with anyone since our last time,” she confessed before moaning loudly and sneaking her own finger inside of Alex. “God, Lexy. Faster baby,” begged Mitchie as she closed her eyes tightly and thrust against Alex’s fingers, while she increased her own pace. “I’m coming, Alex!” yelled Mitchie as her body shook before relaxing onto the blanket.

Alex came right after Mitchie and tried to catch her breath as she lay on the younger girl’s chest. Alex kissed Mitchie softly as she caressed her cheek lovingly. “I love you Mitchie,” she whispered.

Mitchie opened her eyes and smiled at Alex. “I love you too Lexy,” she said softly.

“Babe, I don’t think we can leave tonight and besides Tawny gave you the weekend off. I’ll go grab you some pajamas and then we can join our daughter in the bedroom,” said Alex standing up and putting her clothes back on.

Mitchie grinned at her from her place on the blanket. She loved hearing Alex refer to Sarah as their daughter. Before long Alex came back out with some shorts and a t-shirt for Mitchie to wear.

Alex wrapped her arms around Mitchie’s waist from behind as they made their way into their bedroom. She lay behind Mitchie and leaned over her to kiss Sarah’s forehead before wrapping her arms around Mitchie’s waist and nuzzling into her neck. “Mitchie, I want to continue where we left off. I want you and Sarah to move in with me. Give Tawny your two week notice. You don’t need to work anymore. I will give you guys everything that you want and need,” said Alex with a voice full of promise.

Mitchie frowned, but Alex couldn’t see it since she was behind her. “Lexy, I want to move in with you, but I don’t want you to think that I’m with you because of your money,” whispered Mitchie.

“Don’t even go there Mitchie. I know that you aren’t with me because of my money. You loved me when I was a young wizard working in her parents’ sub shop. You loved me when I was a struggling college student. Mistakes were made, but you are still the same Mitchie with a heart of gold that I fell in love with,” declared Alex. “I actually got a better idea. Since I can assume that you don’t want to put the Coopers in a bind. What if you guys move in with me as soon as possible, but you continue working until I’m done with the decorating. You can come with me in the mornings and go home with me at night,” suggested Alex.

Mitchie grinned happily and snuggled into Alex. “That’s a great idea, Lexy. Good night, baby,” said Mitchie softly.

* * * * *

“You met a girl. What’s her name?” demanded Christy as her best friend walked into the penthouse with a lovesick expression.

Alex threw herself on the couch and grinned at Christy who was sitting at the kitchen bar having breakfast. “I didn’t meet a girl. I got my girl back. I spent all of yesterday and last night with Mitchie. We’re back together and she’s moving in with me,” squealed Alex happily.

Christy laughed at how happy Alex was. “I have never seen you this happy. I’m glad you two worked everything out. When is she moving in?” questioned Christy.

“If everything goes my way, tomorrow. Call your lazy boyfriend and tell him that I need him and his best guys here A.S.A.P. I want to turn one of the guest rooms into a bedroom for Sarah and I want to make a music studio for Mitchie. I will pay whatever it takes, but I need this done quickly,” explained Alex. “By the way I might have told Mitchie that you and I were engaged,” said Alex as she covered her face with a couch cushion.

“You did what now? Why in hell’s name would you do that?” demanded Christy.

“When she confessed that she had a daughter I got mad, so I wanted to get back at her. I told her that you and I were engaged, but don’t worry I confessed the truth last night,” explained Alex.

The cushion was ripped from Alex’s hands and before she could react Christy brought it back down smacking her on the face. “You retard! Don’t use me in your ploys to get girls. It took me a while to convince George that you and I had nothing going on, imagine if he gets word of this,” said Christy with a laugh.

Alex burst out laughing. “Well either way, now George won’t doubt that you don’t scream my name every night,” said Alex with a smirk. “I get my Mitchie back,” said Alex with a grin.

Christy frowned at Alex. “Casey is gonna flip,” said Christy worriedly, remembering that Casey never took change well.

Casey had been Alex’s on again, off again girlfriend for the past year. They were currently in one of their off periods, but unfortunately Casey lived in the penthouse below Alex’s. After Alex moved to Los Angeles, she slept with multiple girls trying to forget Mitchie. Casey was her longest relationship, but she tended to break up with her every time that Casey didn’t live up to Mitchie’s image, which was often.

Alex grinned. “Well Crazy Casey is just gonna have to accept that Alex Russo is taken. Mitchie is the only one for me,” she said happily.

* * * * *

“Please let me in Peter,” begged Alex as she gave the Cooper’s doorman her puppy dog eyes. “I want to surprise Mitchie.

“Miss Russo, I’m not supposed to open the gate after nine at night without Mr. or Mrs. Cooper’s permission,” said the old doorman trying to resist Alex’s begging.

“Please, please, please with sugar on top,” pleaded Alex.

Peter sighed and opened the gate causing Alex to blow him a kiss as she drove her Porsche through the gate. She was shivering in her sweatpants, tank top and flip flops outside of the Cooper’s exterior kitchen door. She pulled out her cell phone and quickly pressed one on the speed dial numbers. “Babe, open the kitchen door. I’m cold,” said Alex before she hit end.

A sleepy looking Mitchie opened the door and looked at her girlfriend with a confused expression. “Is everything ok, Lexy? What are you doing here so late?” questioned Mitchie as she pulled Alex inside. “And how did you get past Peter?”

Alex snuck her hands inside of Mitchie’s robe and pulled her close as she captured her lips. “I missed you. Didn’t want to sleep by myself now that I have you back and Peter’s a big softie,” she said grinning

Mitchie shook her head and smiled as she took Alex’s hand to lead her to the bedroom. Alex lay down and wrapped her arm around Sarah as she kissed her forehead. Mitchie smiled as she pulled off her robe and climbed into bed behind Alex. She leaned in and kissed Alex’s neck before nuzzling into it and falling asleep.

take back

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