Yeah things have been kinda...hectic lately I'm not gonna lie and for the first time since the regular school year I'm actually rather stressed. It's more of a combination of many things going on, but I'll get through it. Don't worry it's not like I'm on the verge of a nervous break down. In fact, thank god, I have no emotional burdens, which is always a plus.
EDIT:: CRAP!! Forgot to talk about last weekend. Goin' up to stagedoor was really awsome and I had a total kick ass time and I'm reminded of the fact that me and Sa are too much a like (it's kinda scary). But we saw two of Carson's shows which were beyond amazing. One was player's ensemble which was wicked kool and it dealt with communication and censorship which I find to be hilarious considering that they were censored for some of the stuff they were talking about? Ironic? Why I think yes. Also, she played Mother Superior at the convent and she was so good and so incredibly in character, to the point she was a real bitch, HEY! DON'T YELL AT ME I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!!! But she was just really awsome. Plus we saw Evita there too and the cast was great 'specially Evita who was actually a really good friend of hers. Ride home was kinda long, and crapped but fun, made up for all the sleep I lacked that weekend.
So I officially dub my Dad the shit. Now I never really talk that much about my dad but he's a very kool guy and has had a lot of influences on who I am today like how much of a tom boy used to be (i'm still very much a tom boy at heart) and especially on my taste in music. But that's really besides the point cuz the point is this week proved that my dad is awsome. You see I have a mdterm tomorrow in Microecomics and while I'm pretty good at math Microeconimics is not hard but it is challenging. I wasn't too worried cuz I have the little bonus feature that my dad does economic stuff for a living in fact he used to teach Microeconimics on the college level. I joked with people that it would be like having a personal tutor, but I wasn't serious. It wasn't until this week that I realized how amazing my dad is at what he does. He helped me explain many things that have dulled me to sleep in Micro that he makes sense of it. Plus, he's so aided my study time and made effective use of my teachers office hours. Just goes to show you how parents can in fact kick ass sometimes.
I'd like to thank Sa and
green_amberjade for kicking my muse out of it's very long acoma and effectivelly electroschocking it into consciousness. And now it's like a beast rearing (sp?) it's ugly head, cuz I honestly can't stop thinking of idea's for stories. When I have the time I'm honestly going to have to right them all down cuz I have some pretty good ones, both funny and serious that I know many people would probably enjoy. Plus the similarites (and possible fic ideas) between Bleach and Les Miz are not helping me. Plus it's not helping me that Amber (you don't mind if I call you that do you hun?) writes amazing stuff, so I'm like constantly on her live journal reading her shit. Damn you woman!! LOL I kid, you know I <3 you.
Also getting pumped for this weekend with good ole' Connecticon. It should be rather fun considering that a lot of my B.U./B.U. DDR friends are going. Plus I got over a $100 for my birthday which will probably be spent in the wonderous dealer's room. I'm hoping they have some Gurren Lagan stuff, cuz I've seen some really kool figurines online. Plus I'm 90% sure I'm cosplaying for it, though I'm debating if I wanna do 2 days or one 'specially cuz with the shini robes and the cape it was reeeeeeeeally steamy at A.B. so I can only imagine that I'd be dying at Connecticon.
There are other things that are making me anxious, but I won't discuss them till later. Like I said they really are miniscule things that I shouldn't worry about, but I know it'll all be over soon and I can finally enjoy the summer. Still can't wait till August 9th at 3 p.m.! Counting down the days, counting down the days.
Alright well I'm off to study for Nihongo, which, I haven't studied yet and I haven't done tomorrow's homework either. Up till 4 a.m.? Why yes, I think so. Oh red bull, you are my new best friend =D