I'm really sorry. To everyone. I wasn't myself yesterday, obviously. And I hope I'm never like that again. It was really bad. My room is practically destroyed. And I stabbed my own fish with a knife and killed five of them, but Eiji managed to save the rest in buckets. He shouldn't have come over at all when I was like that! But I'm very grateful. And Fuji helped too. Thanks a lot, Fuji. I had two aquariums full of fish, so that's a lot of work. Eiji helped take the fish back to my room today so it's better now.
I have to apologize to everyone who I talked to in comments. I'm especially sorry to Eiji and you know why. Also I'm especially sorry to Saeki. I'm glad we didn't fight because that would've been really bad. Also, Shishido, Akari, Aoi, Jiroh, Kevin, Kachiro, Rukia-san, ...Arukenimon-san?, Manabe, An, Kirihara,
clever_maiden, Taka-san, and Inui...I'm sorry. I was really rude to all of you. I can't believe the language I used. And I understand if you're still mad at me. But it wasn't me, and I would never mean any of the things I said.
Someone said something about it being a virus. I shouldn't have opened up that email. It was really careless of me. I should have known better then that.