LOG: Oishi goes over to Eiji's house to get his fish. Rated A for Awkward and Angst.
Oishi: *wakes up on the floor* *because as he told Inui, his bed was pissing him off yesterday*
Oishi: *looks around and sees that his room is in SHAMBLES and the TV is broke and everything is thrown everywhere and his fish is gone* *groans and closes his eyes trying to will it away*
Oishi: *finally gets up and goes over to the computer and checks livejournal and sees the even WORSE destruction he did there* Oh my God. No. I didn't...Shoot! *wants to die* *or cry* *but does deep breathing and manages to not do either*
Oishi: *finally picks up the phone and dials Eiji's house*
Eiji: *is awake and browsing lj, wondering if Oishi's better like the rest of them seem to be* *answers phone without looking at caller-id* Hoi?
Oishi: ................Hello.
Eiji: *takes deep breath* Oishi?
Oishi: Yes. I...I'm back to normal now.
Eiji: ...Um. That's good.
Oishi: Yeah. *long pause* I'm really sorry.
Eiji: *immediately* It's okay, nya. *pauses* Um. Do you want. ...I have your fish?
Oishi: Right. Thanks. Um. Should I come and get them?
Eiji: Hm. Probably? I.. I don't know how to take care of them as well as you do, nya..
Oishi: Okay. I'll be right over then. ...If that's okay.
Eiji: Hoi, it's okay.
Oishi: Kay. See you soon.
Eiji: *hangs up*
Oishi: *hangs up too*
Oishi: *arrives at Eiji's house and rings the doorbell*
Eiji: *trips down the stairs and opens the door a bit, peering out through the crack* Um. Hi. *opens it wider, tilting his head sort of away from Oishi*
Oishi: Hi. ...How are you?
Eiji: I'm okay. *starts back up the stairs* The fish are up here.
Oishi: *follows him* Are they okay?
Eiji: ...Mostly. *opens the door*
Fish: *are in a bucket* *except for a few in clear plastic cups so Eiji can get to them easily*
Oishi: *stares at them* It's thanks to you that they're alright. Thanks, Eiji. Really. Thanks a lot.
Eiji: It was nothing, nya. *goes over to the fish* *is totally obvious about not looking at Oishi* Um, Inui said these two probably won't live, but so far they have, but. They just kind of sit at the bottom of the cup, and when I feed them I kind of help them up with a spoon..
Oishi: *doesn't want to look at those fish but has to* Yeah. Okay. Maybe...maybe they'll be alright. *takes a deep breath* There's...blood on my floor. It's scary. *stares hard at the fish and wishes he hadn't said that*
Eiji: Well at least- *pauses, wincing* Um. At least it's not human blood..? ^^*
Oishi: *looks at Eiji* Yeah... *notices a bruise on Eiji's face* What...What's that?
Eiji: *jumps* Nothing!
Oishi: It's not nothing! *steps closer to see it better* What is it from?
Eiji: Nothing! It's nothing, *steps back* I just- fell- ran into- something!! A.. a door! I fell into a door!
Oishi: You're lying. *mouth goes dry* It was me, wasn't it? I threw something at you.
Eiji: No! I ran into a door, I told you! With.. my face. o_o
Oishi: *ignores this* I remember you coming through the window. I remember being really mad. And...the tennis ball. It was me. I know it was.
Eiji: *attempts*...No it wasn't?
Oishi: Yes it was. *blinks quickly* *looks back at him finally* You...You're stupid!
Eiji: D< I am not! *fjskafa*
Oishi: Why did you have to come over when I was like that? You saw that it'd be dangerous! I was completely horrible! They were just some stupid fish!
Eiji: :( :( :( But they're your fish, and you'd be really sad if you killed them all, nya!
Oishi: You mean more to me than a bunch of fish! *angry* If something worse had happened to you I'd never be able to forgive myself!
Eiji: :( I was careful! And I'm quicker than you, so I thought I'd be okay. >.>
Oishi: I hate that you had to see me like that! I was a monster. I'm really sorry.
Eiji: I said it was fine, nya. :/
Oishi: ....Okay. *still unsure*
Eiji: ...Right. Um. *looks at fish*
Fish: *swim around, woohooo*
Oishi: I guess we should get them back to my house now. *small smile*
Eiji: Hoi. *picks up cup-o-kikufish* *holds at eye level* *grins* He's going to be okay.
Oishi: Good. *geniune smile this time* *picks up a bucket of fish*
Eiji: *collects the cups, dumping the basically-okay-fishes back into the bucket*
Oishi: *goes down the stairs carefully with his bucket-of-fish*
Eiji: *follows, yay*
Oishi: *the END, yay!*