I have been saying that Boy is a phychopath for a while now but lets check if he actually qualifies by running through Dr. Hare's checklist. 1.GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM: Unchecked. He is one of the rudest, if not the rudest, People in the entire story. 2.GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH: Check, if not outright stated then at least his attitude qualifies him for this one. 3.NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM: Check, he frequently goes out and picks fights With the local Grimm and I don't believe we have ever seen him studying. 4.NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM: Unchecked. While I wouldn't trust Boy farter then I can shoot him, he actually doesn't appear to lie all the time. 5.CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS: Checked. Whenever he is not being racist, Boy is manipulating People for his own gain. 6.LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT: So checked. The only person Boy cares about is himself. 7.SHALLOW AFFECT: I don't know if this one should be checked or not since Boy seems to have some emotions, even if they mostly appear in the form of rage and annoyance. Ah, whatever, checked. 8.CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY: Checked. Again, he is rude and racist to everybody. 9.PARASITIC LIFESTYLE: Check. While Boy can be said to only live at Beacon because they were the People who found him, I find it hard to believe that Vale does not have some system for picking up and educating orphans. This is supposed to be a death world after all. 10.POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS: Checked. This one speaks for itself, doesn't it? 11.PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR: Unchecked. The only person Boy seems to have any romantic interest in is Blake. 12:EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS: Unsufficient data. Though I wouldn't put it past Boy to have done at least some of the Things on the list. 13:LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS: Checked. The only goal Boy has is to be a Hunter, besides that he doesn't care about the future. 14:IMPULSIVITY: Checked. Again, this one speaks for itself.3 15:IRRESPONSIBILITY: Insufficient data. Though knowing Boy, I wouldn't put it past him to check off this one to. 16:FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS: Checked. "It is Weiss' fault that I almost killed her, really." 17:MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS: To Young to check off this one put I fully expect him to throw any of his "friends" under the buss if he has to. 18:JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: Check check check. This one pretty much describes Boy's entire attitude. 19:REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE: Insuffecient data. Unless Boy is hiding a past in prison he doesn't check off this one (yet). 20:CRIMINAL VERSATILITY: Unchecked. The only crimes Boy does are (repeated) vandalism and (repeated) attempts of murder and unless you consider his attitude to be him bragging about getting away With, he doesn't check off for this one. With my amateur physiological knowledge I gave Boy a score of 36, which qualifies him as a phychopath and just unlikeable in general.
1.GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM: Unchecked. He is one of the rudest, if not the rudest, People in the entire story.
2.GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH: Check, if not outright stated then at least his attitude qualifies him for this one.
3.NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM: Check, he frequently goes out and picks fights With the local Grimm and I don't believe we have ever seen him studying.
4.NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM: Unchecked. While I wouldn't trust Boy farter then I can shoot him, he actually doesn't appear to lie all the time.
5.CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS: Checked. Whenever he is not being racist, Boy is manipulating People for his own gain.
6.LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT: So checked. The only person Boy cares about is himself.
7.SHALLOW AFFECT: I don't know if this one should be checked or not since Boy seems to have some emotions, even if they mostly appear in the form of rage and annoyance. Ah, whatever, checked.
8.CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY: Checked. Again, he is rude and racist to everybody.
9.PARASITIC LIFESTYLE: Check. While Boy can be said to only live at Beacon because they were the People who found him, I find it hard to believe that Vale does not have some system for picking up and educating orphans. This is supposed to be a death world after all.
10.POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS: Checked. This one speaks for itself, doesn't it?
11.PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR: Unchecked. The only person Boy seems to have any romantic interest in is Blake.
12:EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS: Unsufficient data. Though I wouldn't put it past Boy to have done at least some of the Things on the list.
13:LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS: Checked. The only goal Boy has is to be a Hunter, besides that he doesn't care about the future.
14:IMPULSIVITY: Checked. Again, this one speaks for itself.3
15:IRRESPONSIBILITY: Insufficient data. Though knowing Boy, I wouldn't put it past him to check off this one to.
16:FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS: Checked. "It is Weiss' fault that I almost killed her, really."
17:MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS: To Young to check off this one put I fully expect him to throw any of his "friends" under the buss if he has to.
18:JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: Check check check. This one pretty much describes Boy's entire attitude.
19:REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE: Insuffecient data. Unless Boy is hiding a past in prison he doesn't check off this one (yet).
20:CRIMINAL VERSATILITY: Unchecked. The only crimes Boy does are (repeated) vandalism and (repeated) attempts of murder and unless you consider his attitude to be him bragging about getting away With, he doesn't check off for this one.
With my amateur physiological knowledge I gave Boy a score of 36, which qualifies him as a phychopath and just unlikeable in general.
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