Hello there folks! And welcome to my first solo sporking. It’ll be rough going through this without my puffy partner, but I’m a brave girl. I can handle this
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You're comment makes me think that I really should've given sum-ups of the actual series like we do in Plus One. :''D
I guess as a brief sum-up right now; the aliens used to live on Earth long before humans, but they left because they couldn't handle a couple of earthquakes and eruptions one too many natural disasters nearly wiped out their entire species. years later they wanted to reclaim the earth, especially since upon escaping the earth, they ended up on an even worse planet.
Aliens have the ability to fly/levitate/hover/not be on the ground, teleport, and they have long ears similar to manakete ears from Fire Emblem. Deep Blue is supposed to be their saviour, and he was supposed to lead the invasion of earth for their people. In the manga, he was just straight up their saviour, however the anime changed it slightly so that he had actually changed his mind and wanted to rule the earth for himself.
Either way, Deep Blue was the big bad. And Mew Aqua is a special substance that stored energy and could grant immense power in the series, and both teams - the Mews and the aliens - wanted it to collect it.
That should be enough for a sum-up, though if anything else from future chapters gets confusing, I'd be happy to explain it.
Also, the food based names are on purpose since the original manga artist loved puns and theme naming. Technically, as I said before I started the spork, the official naming scheme is different to what the popular fansubs used; the girls Mew aliases and the aliens' real names are all food names in English (So Kisshu, as I pointed out, is technically Quiche, Taruto would be Tart, and in their mew forms, the girls would all be Mew Mint, Mew Lettuce, Mew Pudding etc), while the girls' civilian names are all Japanese but based off the English loanword (Minto and Retasu).
Pudding/Bu-ling is a different case. I'll quote tv tropes since they explain it better; "The Chinese character Bu-ling has a Chinese name based on a Japanese version (purin) of an English loanword (pudding)."
Since you mentioned the food-y names, I felt an explanation was in order. Sorry again~
I suppose all I can say now is...
It’s a letter bomb! Quick open it and kill this fic before it gets worse!
Yeah. This is gonna get a lot worse. And fast. As in chapter 3 made me want to spork, and then chapter 4 is just disgusting.
I guess as a brief sum-up right now; the aliens used to live on Earth long before humans, but they left because they couldn't handle a couple of earthquakes and eruptions one too many natural disasters nearly wiped out their entire species. years later they wanted to reclaim the earth, especially since upon escaping the earth, they ended up on an even worse planet.
Aliens have the ability to fly/levitate/hover/not be on the ground, teleport, and they have long ears similar to manakete ears from Fire Emblem. Deep Blue is supposed to be their saviour, and he was supposed to lead the invasion of earth for their people. In the manga, he was just straight up their saviour, however the anime changed it slightly so that he had actually changed his mind and wanted to rule the earth for himself.
Either way, Deep Blue was the big bad. And Mew Aqua is a special substance that stored energy and could grant immense power in the series, and both teams - the Mews and the aliens - wanted it to collect it.
That should be enough for a sum-up, though if anything else from future chapters gets confusing, I'd be happy to explain it.
Also, the food based names are on purpose since the original manga artist loved puns and theme naming. Technically, as I said before I started the spork, the official naming scheme is different to what the popular fansubs used; the girls Mew aliases and the aliens' real names are all food names in English (So Kisshu, as I pointed out, is technically Quiche, Taruto would be Tart, and in their mew forms, the girls would all be Mew Mint, Mew Lettuce, Mew Pudding etc), while the girls' civilian names are all Japanese but based off the English loanword (Minto and Retasu).
Pudding/Bu-ling is a different case. I'll quote tv tropes since they explain it better; "The Chinese character Bu-ling has a Chinese name based on a Japanese version (purin) of an English loanword (pudding)."
Since you mentioned the food-y names, I felt an explanation was in order. Sorry again~
I suppose all I can say now is...
It’s a letter bomb! Quick open it and kill this fic before it gets worse!
Yeah. This is gonna get a lot worse. And fast. As in chapter 3 made me want to spork, and then chapter 4 is just disgusting.
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