Jul 06, 2007 10:14
As if I haven't had enough happen to me this week, today just tops it all off. It was going well actually. I got decent sleep (or, at least I felt rested even though I started waking up every hour after about 6), Dany's cello lesson went well, I got the apartment cleaned (tidied, swept, mopped, dusted, cleaned dishes, got laundry going), finally got the rice cooker working and was having some decent chats with my friends. Then I realized that there was a fairly good sized puddle growing around the bottom of my AC. So I started mopping that up, when someone rings the doorbell... it's the woman from downstairs... apparently the water from my AC is draining into her patio. Wonderful. She doesn't speak any English and I don't know Korean beyond greeting, counting and the odd word. I knew why she's there, I was worried about it when I saw that pool of water. So after a few minutes of me saying that yes, I know, I've turned the AC off and I'm cleaning up the puddle, I finally got out my cell phone and started calling everyone in it who spoke Korean. Of course no one was answering. The only person I had left was Sunim, and I didn't really want to call her about this; then I remembered Q! I went and found his number and he became our little translator, and he wasn't much help beyond that. But I finally got hold of Pauline and told her what was up, and she called the Delaney agency (they're the peeps who set us up with this lovely flat and deal with stuff when it breaks down), but of course, no one answered. Eventially she came over with her husband (I guess it was a good thing that I decided to clean today lol) and he suggested running the hose out of the window and letting it drain down the building so that not just the woman beneath me, but everyone would get all hussy. I love Geoffry, he's a good man! In the meantime, I've managed to shut my thumb in the closet door and spill my waterbottle next to my bed. But, hey, I haven't flooded the loft yet, so that's an improvement at least!
Tomorrow's looking up. At least after I get passed the awkward part where I have to explain to the woman who runs the KTM academy where I'm learning haegum that I managed to lose the flute she gave me as a gift within hours of her giving it to me... and she doesn't speak English either. But after that! Jen's coming to help out at the temple again, then we're going out and finding some fun :) I need that greatly!
I think I'm going to write down that little quote I posted the other day, and keep it in my pocket, though if this keeps up, I'll have the thing memorized by the end of the weekend anyways! My mantra has become: Just a couple more weeks, then you go home...