Whoa, a psychologist who isn't Ella!
Is that Mary? Ha, it's Mary! Hallefuckinglujah! You can't tell me John is only imagining her. finalproblem on Tumblr is right and you can't convince me otherwise. Okay, maybe John is imagining her there, maybe she's somewhere else. But she's totally alive!
(From the rewatch: Now I get that "I'm reminding you of a friend" line!)
"If Sherlock Holmes wants to get in touch, that's not something you can fail to notice." ...Yeah.
Is our new villain's hair supposed to remind me of John's new hairstyle?
Wait, these nurses are real? They look like out of someone's fantasy.
Ugh, get to the fucking point, Smith!
Ooh, she still has the paper (But how?), good.
Ooh, Wiggins is back.
Heh, Sherlock is still catching up with his brain. I know that feeling.
Kitchen the most public room in any house? ô_o
Hahaha, Sherlock is walking "fuck off". XD
I think I'm starting to (friend)ship Mycroft and Lady Smallwood.
Whoa, the way Mycroft is talking really makes it sound like Sherrinford is the 3rd Holmes brother. But I suspect they're just fucking with us.
So far there have been 2 hints that Faith isn't actually there: She wasn't there when Mrs. Hudson spoke to Sherlock, and Mycroft's people didn't see her. I'm feeling very fucked with this episode. I want her to be there, just like Mary. Hey, maybe Sherlock is doing a case comparison again?
Well, it must be an unusual name then. Sherlock? Mycroft? Sherrinford? Rosamund?
Huh, and there she's gone.
Mrs. Hudson?!
"Do you have any idea what speed you were going at?" - "Of course not, I was on the phone." XD
Is Sherlock reciting Shakespeare?
"Are you having an earthquake?"
Holy shit, Mrs. Hudson! I wonder how she managed to get Sherlock into the trunk.
...Oh, that's how.
Sherlock is in hell, he says. So can we assume that he's high because Mary had asked him to go to hell?
"It's not a trick, it's a plan." Aha!
I don't like how Mary took Jim's "Miss me?". It makes me sad to think that it's not about him. Come on, give that phrase back to Jim! Show me his posthumous plot. Yeah, I know, I'll have to wait until next week. ...Unless they're only resolving the Fall and let Jim's "Miss me?" messages be the next long-time mystery. God, I would hate it so much if they let us wait forever again!
I kind of wonder how Smith gets away with being such a creep, but then I didn't think it was believable how Donald Trump gets away with being himself, so there.
Curious how we don't see Faith's face. ...Ha!
Does she look like the new therapist? I don't know, something is weird.
Ugh, don't tell me Sherlock murdered another bad guy.
Phew, Smith is fine. As much as I want him gone, I don't want him gone by Sherlock killing him.
No, Sherlock didn't kill your wife, get a fucking grip! Isn't anyone (Sherlock and/or John) in on her faked death? Or is this just a public display? Ooh, that would make him the lying detective! Or he deduced that Mary faked her death and didn't tell John yet?
Heh, I like how John knows that the caller is Mycroft.
Mrs. Hudson is glorious this episode!
"Is this merely stream-of-consciousness abuse or are you attempting to make a point here?"
This is a weirdly funny episode, considering what happened in the previous one.
I hope Sherlock has bugged the fuck out of his hospital room! Has there ever been a villain as desperate to confess as Smith?!
What is it with baddies trying to cut off Sherlock's air supply?! Is the Universe still not done with its revenge for his "Ugh, breathing. Breathing's boring!" comment?
"Must be something comforting about the number 3 [Hm, yeah, it's a nice number. I'm quite fond of it. And it's my favorite color.], people always give up after 3." ha, nice, decoys!
Finally John is admitting that Mary's death wasn't Sherlock's fault! Okay, so no one else is there, so I guess if Mary did fake her death, neither John nor Sherlock were in on it. There's still the possibility that Sherlock deduced it, though.
Oh, look who else isn't dead! I had forgotten that Irene had faked her death too. If that isn't a fucking hint!
Well, that's not the deduction I expected! Soo... what date is it on the show? How are we supposed to celebrate Sherlock's birthday if you don't tell us!
Ha, so John himself calls his texting cheating! I have seen people argue about if it qualifies as cheating and here we have proof. I thought so, because otherwise why would he have kept it from Mary?!
HOLY SHIT, IT'S A HUG! N'aaawwww!
OMG, is Mycroft gonna get himself a goldfish?! It's been my headcanon that Mycroft is BFFs with Anthea, but it looks like there'll be something canon now, just with someone else. Yay!
OMG, I was right about someone looking like the therapist. *jawfloor*
Ugh, giving away the "Miss me?" to another someone else? ...Although... wait! A mututal friend put her and Smith in touch? Was it Jim or someone from his organization? Pretty please?
Ha, I thought that looked like a wig on Elizabethurus. It's a wig on the psychologist too, right? Because I thought there was something off about her look.
[insert 1x01 gif of Sherlock hissing "Sister!"]
Was Sherlock so out of it that he didn't recognize his own sister the 2 times he met her recently?