
Aug 23, 2011 23:53

Yesterday (at 18:03) I got my Welcome email \o/. The first thing I did was change into something yellow and black. For Sorting luck. ^^

Pottermore is so beautiful! You get to go through the book via 'Moments'. That are key moments in the story and you have really nice painted three-level pictures (partly moving, hee). You can zoom in and out of the levels and can find stuff in the levels you've focussed. In at least one of these levels you can find new information or something to collect. You can collect all sorts of random stuff, I wonder what that will be good for. One of my reasons for wanting a Pottermore account was to get the extra info. It's so awesome that the characters have history and lives we've never seen. But there isn't only more info about in-story things, there's also making-off sort of info. Hey, did you know that Jo trolled her sister? Joined the British Weights and Measures Association just to annoy her!
But the site could do with some sounds. I'd like background noises like on jkrowling.com.

And then I missed Fringe on TV. D'oh. But it was totally worth it!

Ooh, awesome, when you get your Gringotts vault you get 500 Galleons with it. The virtual version of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them looks a lot like the real-life version, hee! I bought a ginger cat. I'm a bit sad that I can't name it anywhere. It's a cracky name anyway. I made a list of possible names and when I noticed that 4 of them could spell SPEW I put them in that order and now my cat is called Dr. Scully Pond Elvendork Weasley. Come along, Pond. Later I noticed that your pet becomes your avatar.
You need to answer 7 questions to get your wand. Some of them seemed a bit weird. Like "Was the day you were born an odd number or an even number".

Oh wow, so much info about wands! The list of wand woods is a bit epic (Jo, how are you so awesome?! ♥). Took me forever to get through that. Look how cool my wand wood is:
A sensitive wand, hazel often reflects its owner’s emotional state, and works best for a master who understands and can manage their own feelings. Others should be very careful handling a hazel wand if its owner has recently lost their temper, or suffered a serious disappointment, because the wand will absorb such energy and discharge it unpredictably. The positive aspect of a hazel wand more than makes up for such minor discomforts, however, for it is capable of outstanding magic in the hands of the skillful, and is so devoted to its owner that it often ‘wilts’ (which is to say, it expels all its magic and refuses to perform, often necessitating the extraction of the core and its insertion into another casing, if the wand is still required) at the end of its master’s life (if the core is unicorn hair, however, there is no hope; the wand will almost certainly have ‘died’). Hazel wands also have the unique ability to detect water underground, and will emit silvery, tear-shaped puffs of smoke if passing over concealed springs and wells.
A loyal wand... sounds good for a loyal person like a Hufflepuff. :oD

Where exactly the Hogwarts Express came from has never been conclusively proven, although it is a fact that there are secret records at the Ministry of Magic detailing a mass operation involving one hundred and sixty-seven Memory Charms and the largest ever mass Concealment Charm performed in Britain. The morning after these alleged crimes, a gleaming scarlet steam engine and carriages astounded the villagers of Hogsmeade (who had also not realised they had a railway station), while several bemused Muggle railway workers down in Crewe spent the rest of the year grappling with the uncomfortable feeling that they had mislaid something important.

And then I finally arrived at the Sorting (another reason I wanted to join Pottermore) and... stalled. This is the Sorting quiz, this is canon. And what if I get Sorted into a House that isn't Hufflepuff? Well, I have Ravenclaw tendencies, that one would be okay for me. But I consider myself a Hufflepuff and in Sorting quizzes I always get Hufflepuff. What if years of my life turn out to be a lie?
So I went back a Moment. Which was a good decision since I knew that there was extra info about McGonagall in there, but I hadn't found it yet. But then I did find it, yay! Ooh, interesting stuff!
And then I was hungry, but couldn't stand being away from Pottermore, so instead of making something myself I decided to get a pizza delivered. That was 22:52 - I had 8 minutes to order. Phew, managed to do that before they close! My pizza ETA was 23:45 and I considered waiting with the Sorting until after it arrived. Because I didn't know how long Sorting would take and it would be really annoying if my pizza arrived just when I was busy answering important questions.
But then, 23:14, I couldn't wait anymore and was about to start the Sorting. Guess what happened! My pizza arrived early. At least it was before I started answering any questions.
Seven questions later and some worrying about having too many Ravenclaw-ish answers:


OMG, could the common room be any more hobbit-y?!

Brewing potions sucks. I've only practiced so far, because - while doing it successfully I could earn some House points - I could lose House points for failing in non-practice. And failing is far too easy. You get to look at your recipe and as soon as you put it away the clock starts ticking. You need to get the order and everything right, which is a bit hard when you can't look at the recipe. Well, you could, but time is running out. And you can't copy and paste the recipe! Argh. I tried transcribing it, but to see the text file I had to make the browser window smaller, which fucked with the display a bit. It's just not worth the effort.

It was getting past my bedtime, but I couldn't stop! It was too interesting, too much fun. I could finish this.
The bottle puzzle! Finally we can solve it \o/! We never could do that with the lack of information in the book. And I managed to solve it even though it was 3am and I was really tired.
OMG, you can see a toilet seat in the hospital wing XD! I love that joke and I love that it made it onto Pottermore!
Then I got to the end of the book (and regretted it a bit, because I've run out of things to do there for now) and went to bed at 4am.

language|english, topics|tv & such|harry potter (& co.)

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