Join Date:May 2016
Post Rank:Enthusiast
Thanked:252 times
It is insane.
I have NEVER felt more unsafe living/being anywhere than I do in San Francisco.
I walked around Cairo, Egypt, in the middle of the night, the only white person I saw in all of Cairo, alone (very stupid yes I know but perhaps not as stupid as living in SF) right after all the political unrest, passing by literally 30 tanks in the main square and chatted with the soldiers with giant ass machine guns, AND I FELT SAFER THERE.
I felt safer in fucking Turkey, Morocco, Mexico....
Every single fucking day I am verbally and physically (people come right up to me, have tried to spit on me, chase me, grab me, I've been mugged, stalked...) by drug addicts and homeless people.
Every day I walk by people who are just dying there. right on the street. As smug as fucking fuck foreign and American born 23-year old Tech Bros step over them, laughing about their new start-up as they sip their $6 lattes waiting in line for their GoogleBus(r).
Then I meet these fuckers at parties where they proceed to judge the fuck out of me and tell me all about how my career goals are "Stupid" and that "why are they paying you a good salary, don't you work at a nonprofit?" and look down on me and my gender. When I am SMARTER and MORE HARDWORKING than 99% of them.
Oh, what are you doing again for society that you get paid $160-200k at 24 and treated like a God and international travel and cushy hotels? (my ex..) oh optimize Facebook make it faster...right...