I feel like a fag hag in training. Everything is just fabulous.

Aug 03, 2011 19:54

 I've been reading this series called the "Rainbow" series by Alex Sanchez and while I laugh plenty, the writing leaves something to be desired but I'll be damned if I read only one book in the series and not finish the others. That is not how I roll. Not to mention the covers of the book are just atrocious. Just three guys on the cover. Just three guys staring at the camera. Just. Three. Guys. And not even all that handsome either. Ugh.

In other gay news, I went to Gay Pride a few days ago, and while it could have gone better, it ended on a bittersweet note, with me looking like a hobo on the side of the street with my two other girls, and then me and my other girl dancing ridiculously with my arms in her jacket, looking like we were hugging each other in a fabulous show of our lesbian love for each other. Apparently Misha Collins was there, in Vancouver, at Gay Pride. Y'know, this guy:

Other than that, day was pretty awesome. I have Red Robin collection, so I have like, 6-12 and 13-17, and 25, the one after Tim is almost raped, but Tim no like boobies.

Look at his face. I'm sure it also has something to do with the fact that he's about to get raped, but, truth be told, the only logical thing I can think of that is going through his head? "OH GOD GET THOSE BOOBS AWAY FROM ME"

It's okay Tim, you'll meet up with your boyfriend later, and then you can embrace and sing show tunes.

Also, I just got in the mail today, my Savior book by Nijuuni. It was fabulous; I read it, and it was fabulous. I really need a French Vanilla Cappuccino right now, I don't know why.

And I finished not one but TWO videos and put them on my youtube. I feel very proud. They're both really gay, not too sure I want to put it up here, nvm, I will

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And, thankfully, my PS3 has been getting a work out with me using it to religiously play Final Fantasy XIII. Fucking Snow needs to shut up about Serah, it's really starting to piss me off. I need more Hope, he is just fucking adorable, and he's also Phineas from Phineas and Ferb.

This guy:

is this guy:

That's about all I care to share. Maybe later I'll do another dump of media to talk about my oh so fabulous life.


f: dc comics, f: final fantasy xiii

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