when everything was gay and nothing hurt, or ended, or was written by tweens

Jun 24, 2011 03:42

 Finished watching Justice League and I'm terribly depressed over it. I miss Mr. McDuffie. He contributed to the industry and now that he's dead I don't think my TV shows will ever have the same heart.

And Ben Ten doesn't have a new episode either, because there's only 32 episodes in the second season, and they hit that quota, but there's still more they need to do. So now I don't have my Superhero League, and my Alien is on hiatus, and Hatsukoi is supposed to have 12 or 13 episodes, and we're already at 11.

I guess there's always fanfiction. But of course all the ones I want are either A) written by twelve year olds, B) too little that I already read all the good ones, or C) haven't been updated in months to a year. I hate that last one.

So, now all I gotta do is wait it out, or start contributing myself. Oh god I hate when I have to do that; I feel like my stuff is never up to par with everything else, and besides, I haven't been able to write anything decent in, like, a year. The only piece I've been able to put any emotion and tact behind is this stupid Superhero thing that's gay and stupid and was inspired by another Superhero gay thing.

God, everything I touch turns to shipping. It's like, whatever I look at, I poison it. Oh lordy. It doesn't help that my friends make me feel guilty for doing so.

Okay, time to do something productive. Like sleep, cause, y'know, it's almost 4 in the morning. 

f: justice league, f: ben ten, fanfiction

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