Mar 07, 2004 16:55
I'm so overly-emotional.
I just started crying in the middle of a pet store in Cranston.
So, I called up the pet store that I bought my three girls from this morning, and I spoke with the gentleman who runs the store, telling him of my dilema with Silence and the suspected tumor. He said that veterinarians overcharge, and he would be more than glad to take a look at her [since he personally breeds the store's rats, sold her to me, and he would be able to tell me exactly what the situation is]. So, I took Silence in a 1/2 hour drive to Reservoir Avenue and brought her in to see Craig. He examined her, complimented me on how well-trained and friendly she was, and hos clean I kept her and such, which was nice to hear. However, the prognosis was not. It only took Craig a few seconds before he told me that Silence has a tumor that roughly 1 in every 10,000 rats get: a mammory gland tumor. Is it operable? Yes, but the surgery would cost anywhere between $300-$400, and the odds that she would survive the surgery are slim because she's such a small animal. In essence, Silence has up to another year to live. All I can do for her now is make her remaining life as enjoyable as possible. Luckily she's in no pain at the moment, because the tumor is only fleshy and not attached to any bone or anything of the like, but if it continues to rapidly grow she may be in immense pain only overnight. The roughest thing, though, is to think that only humane thing to do is euthanize her once she experiences any pain. I don't want to cling to her life for my own sake. You may be thinking that "Why so worked up? It's only a rat." But she's one of my babies, and to me more than just a rat to me. I really do love her. For now I just like to think that I've made her life better than it could have been, for I've kept her with two of her sisters for her life, and she was born with human intentions of being no more than snake food.
But she's helped me.
She's helped me decide what I want to do with my life.
She's helped me realize my passion, and what I am going to study in college.
I'm going to go to college at Roger Williams.
And go into a police work.
Police work which involves collaboration with the SPCA and the Humane Society.
I'm going to legally make sure that no animal is denied the right to live, or is made to suffer throughout their lives.
I'm going to earn a living by ensuring that animal rights are upheld.
But I'm still sad at the moment, for now I'm only playing a waiting game with time.
This is one of the most horrible feelings in the world.