Another religion post (deal with it)

Nov 06, 2006 11:18

I came across a website while doing research on Dinosaurs in Religious Text, of a woman who was pissed that religion wasn't taught in schools. And by religion she only talks of Christianity. You know that old chestnut. She believes the lack of religious teachings in public schools will cause the children to believe, Religion is not important.

I agree to an extent. Religions should be taught in school with history, sociology, culture, and world governments. All religions should be covered in those areas so children will be exposed to all aspects of their Subjects in a strictly factual and historical basis, if that leads to a decision in faith, that’s fine whatever. Making Christianity the only religion in public school breaks apart the very meaning of this country. The first government of this nation consisted of a majority of Deist, Atheist and Christians all who agreed religious freedom was important. That’s why people came here, to be able to believe what they wanted to believe without persecution. Unfortunately it doesn't work out to well for those who are not Christian.

I guess there is a fear, say if Hinduism in outlined and explained based on its cultural relevance, little Johnny might realize, 'I agree with what they believe' and leave Christianity and maybe little Yeshiva might leave Islam because he learns about the social impact of Christianity, but that’s okay! In fact that’s great! /sarcasm. So that’s the real problem, religious paranoia.

Maybe that’s why I have such a problem with Christianity, and I acknowledge that I do. That dislike goes beyond the Faith aspect, but goes toward their actions as a whole (also acknowledging that not 100% of Christians are that way). Most of the religions considered themselves "The one true faith." A few have an open consideration, or believe every faith is right, just a different and equal path. Christians (and a few other religions) though, refuse Coexistence. They cannot accept that you do not have faith in their belief or denomination, or that your God is the same God, or that a person of different faith can be a good person or live a moral and full life. They also believe that Gandhi will not go to Heaven (if there is an afterlife).

How can you think that Gandhi is going to Hell? That’s insane! Oh right, he wasn’t Christian, so everything he did for those people meant nothing in God’s view. Somehow I don’t think that’s the case.
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