Who is promoting the anti-white summons?

Jan 21, 2023 12:45

“ Money is the jealous god of Israel, in whose face there should be no other god. ”

The Jews seem to be used as scapegoats for the underpinnings of a corrupt elite in our society.

Trotsky also raved about American blacks, who, he believed, were able to squeeze whites.
Also other leaders of Marxism. And the main Jews we have in the person of 'Jewish' organizations,
in the person of a small circle Organized 'Jewry' - The Fake Jews Khazarian Zionist Mafia of a global elite

The Anti-White Agenda of 'Jewish' Ad Agencies

*Note: The claims herein are as yet unvetted - [Spoiler (click to open)].Jews Money Myth

Backed by Zionist media, World Banks and the Industrial Military Complex.

To find out the role of the main ones in this vile manner:

The 'Jewish' strategy to destroy the White World

The 'Jewish' War on Whites

The Scam In Australia Also Run By 'Jews' - NA: http://www.thewelcomegroup.org/

J-Post reports 'Jews' behind installation of brutal anti-White ANC régime ( in South Africa )

12 Jews honored on African stamps as Apartheid fighters

How Anti-Whiteness is at the Heart of 'Jewish' Identity

Foreigners file slew of lawsuits against alleged Israeli investment scammers

Labour has embraced a form of left populism that “tends to present the very real failings of modern capitalism not as a matter of anything systemic, but as the work of a small group of people who are ruining things for the rest”. Such thinking immediately invites a question: who, exactly, are these people who have wrought such havoc? Who makes up this wicked cabal? Antisemitism is there to provide an answer, the same answer it has provided for so long and in so many places: the Jews. Maybe we should be called anti-systemic. - John Harris

Kalen Ockerman’s mural ‘The Enemy of Humanity,’ uses anti-Semitic imagery Jews Money Myth

Images - Josef Mengele - Pope Francis & Gustavo Vera - Palazzo Farnese - Pope Paul III - Ignatius Loyola - Francis Borgia

World Power Monopoly, Using Jewery and Anti-semitism as Human Shields to Further Their Prosperity

We live in an era when millions of whites are exposed and horrifically accept the Jewish narrative - a point of view completely hostile to themselves. Whoever does anything in the past, today it is the Jews who control the main media and public political discourse and fill it with terms such as « antisemitism », « Israel » and « Holocaust ». These terms reflect their obsession with themselves and their interests, which includes imposing their view on the world, their obsession with everything else. if in USA they ever start to urinate 'Jews', then they themselves will be to blame. Are 'Jews' not just 'zionist bitches' like the rest of us? Debt slaves.

"You keep going until you find yourself at Judas, ready to betray the son of God himself for '30 pieces of silver' - a phrase that lives on, incidentally, in social media posts hurled at Jews or their defenders." - Luciana Berger Jewish MP

For 2,000 years we’ve linked 'Jews' to money. It’s why antisemitism has become ingrained.
This article is more than 3 years old - by Jonathan Freedland

Rembrandt, ‘Judas Returning the Thirty Pieces of Silver,’ 1629

In 2019, on March 19, the Jewish Museum London opened an exhibition both fascinating and deeply unsettling. It was called
Jews, Money, Myth, and it makes clear that the tendency to connect Jews and money is a habit centuries - indeed millennia - old.

dr. π (pi)

media wars, central bank, zionism, globalist takeover, new world order, world domination, internet censorship, cultural revolution

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