COVID is a Bio-weapon

Jun 17, 2022 14:08

I perceive we now need to write medical declarations as those from action4canada in light of not only vax
but swab testing and any other stupid mandates being forced upon us : action4canada liability notices

The PCR DNA test is not a test for Covid. It is 95% ineffective to detect anything.
We know the mRNA is a bioweapon, and they are able to put it in the swab up your nose,
thereby infecting us with the same graphene oxide present in the experimental injections
which fucks you up, royally and exacerbates all comorbidity of cancer, heart conditions, and
including reduction in immunity against any flu resembling Covid, the virus, which has not been
sceintifically proven to even exist. Nobody, NOT CDC, Health Canada, Provincial Health Authorities,
the WHO, nobody has presented any scientific evidence that what they call Covid as a virus even exists.

It's a fucking nothing burger and we are being rounded up via fear propaganda to get jabbed and end up in
hospital death camps, then being labeled as covid. If you have no symptoms of Covid, and die of a car accident
your death will be labeled as Covid and the hospital will receive $30,000 per corpse they have effectively murdered.
If you think this is a joke, then go get the jab and continue to listen to mainstream propaganda.

Big pharma gets paid from our tax money for every jab, test and carcass they produce.
They have profited from TRILLIONS in the past year. Take back your power.
Medical Freedom is medical choice. Contribute a voice. via

[Spoiler (click to open)]The X-Files Predicted The Pandemic, The Riots & The Vaccine (2016)

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"My Struggle, Part 2" is full of what feels like references to the current pandemic.

Fuck Franken-Science !!

James Bond No Time to Die - Goodbye Mr Bond

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The death is in the contanimant targeted to your DNA

The X-Files "The Truth Is Still Out There"

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"The truth is out there..." - X-files


dr. π (pi)

conspiracy theory, kill bill, dna, deadly virus, bio-weapon, poison

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