(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 01:15

Okay, so I'm leaving in about four hours to catch my flight back to Colorado. Haven't posted since I've been here, so here's a quick recap.

The minute, and I mean the MINUTE we got to mom's house from the airport, her business partners called and told her they were up here (usually they're in SanFran cali.) to take back SproutPeople. They're totally in violation of contract, and they owe mom like, fifty thousand bucks for taking it. anyway, the next coupla days were spent in packing up the business stuff and catching up on Poulsbo Sprouts stuff. Not fun. Saw Tessa and JJ. Fun. Went with them to see Star Wars. Not good. pleasedon'tkillme.

1st weekend. Went to junefaire, which was cool, 'cause i've never gone. It was more or less good. hippie and i bout killed eachother once or twice, but otherwise fine. he and trevor showed me how to spar. ahh, speaking of trevor. STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! (hits self in head repeatedly) Well, i did some very 'old emily' things, such as sleeping with him. and i feel very stupid. i was doing really well this whole year, what with the not drinking and the not being a whore. yay me! but then i got here, and there was all this stress with my family, and i hop in the sack, with TREVOR of all people!! seriously, bad idea. BUt, besides that bit of idiocy, junefaire was good. got Princess Max this pin that says "rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors." hee.

anyway, got back, tolerated one more day of the situation at mom's, copped out, and went to dad's. Rather enjoyed myself just laying on the couch watching TV for 3 whole days. Weekend. nothing much. monday fine. i got to go see Andrew play at Hot shots and he's gotten a lot better. He has an audience now! yay! it was good to see him,and then, well, and then today. good god. here's a 'quick' chronological list of what happened today.

woke up.
mom called, asked for help delivering to SEattle.
i said sure, nat (older, crazy sister) offered to give me a ride to mom's.
in car, she was all nutty in a bad way.
got to greenhouse, mom not there, nat and I argue
nat tries to leave me there w/no ride and no phone, i kick her car. and dent it.
she obviously freaks. drives off.
mom gets me from the greenhouse, we go to seattle.
back from seattle
mom drops me off at dad's, who meets me at the door with an appraisal that says i owe $1,117.30 for the damage done to nat's car. Which i kicked once, and made a very small dent. WHAT!?
yelling ensues.
i look at the appraisal, and it's to fix everything wrong with the car.
obviously, i refuse to pay to fix her effing car.
i calculate how much I owe, and just as dad is getting a real good yell going, i surprise the crap out of him by saying, hey, yeah, i fucked up. here's how much i owe. i'll write you a check. it's called "taking responsibility"
this does not happen in my family. natalie bitches and moans until she gets her way.
so i write dad the check, for $387.20. which is still way too much to pay for a fucking dent.
dad is not mad at me anymore. he leaves to go to his girlfriend's because nat is driving him nuts.
i'm packing up all my stuff, and nat goes in my room, notices that i've torn up the graduation card she gave me, and goes apeshit. takes my backpack and hides it. then says i have to give back the watch and the fifty bucks she gave me as a graduation present. i of course, refuse, on the grounds that it's a present. anyway, long story slightly shorter, dad is called. natalie gives back my bag, mom comes to get me,dad shows up back at home, i say bye to nat, tell her i love her, and she tells me she will never love me ever again in her life. nice.

So that is my vacay so far. oh, yeah, that almost four hundred bucks came out of my fund for my laptop that i need for college, so i'm feeling like a fucking idiot right now. great. oh, and i've been having a major crisis of faith since just a little before i got here. that's always fun.

but don't worry about me, oh no indeedy. for i will be home in Colorado soon. I will be working up at camp. with princess max and laura. glorious. and then i will be in college. in maine. far far away from these crazy fuckers. Glorious

oooh, and i'm addicted to energy drinks now. which is why i'm awake, even though i have a flight in four hours.
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