May 02, 2008 22:15
i'm procrastinating. which is not a good idea. not at all. i should doooo my take homes. it's not that they're bad or anything, it's just that i don't want to do them. i hafta get them done by tuesday monday. sunday even.
michael's coming home monday night! -happy happy- we're going to see Iron Man monday night with tab, dyl, fudge and whomever else decides to join us ^_^ it will be full of fun! and then i have my social science final at 1pm in weirton on tuesday -blah- and i want to give greg my 2 take homes then. then when i come home michael and i are dating it up! i'm supposed to dress pretty-ful [i've got this really cute, i've-never-had-the-occasion-to-wear-it] and he's taking me shopping then we're going to eat at Undo's then going to see a movie then he's sleeping over [my mom's nixed the sleeping in my bed together thing because tabathas in the same we're going to try the "well then let us sleep on the couch together" approach. we'll see how this goes, lol]. wednesday is my familys day to chill with us and then i'll sleep over his house [-_-] wednesday night and spend time with his family on thursday. then he goes back to work early friday morning. =(
he wants me to see Speed Racer with him and i want to see it because THE TWILIGHT MOVIE TRAILER IS BEFORE IT!!!!!!!! so i'll [and probably fudge too] be in pittsburgh soon-ful to watch it with him.
i have to wait til the beginning of July to see him [incidentally also our 2 1/2 year anniversary. ^_^] when we're going to NY for the big party. which hopefully will be fun. i mean, i'm sure it will, i'm just worried about travel stress. lol.
i hafta pee because i have another UTI
i've been very good and chugged cranberry juice since last night. like crazy amounts of the shit. and did the baking soda and water drink [nasty] and the apple cider vinegar and water drink [not too bad...]. so i should be cured, goddamnit!!!!! -_-
had my mom pierce my ears so now i have 3 in the lobes. currently 8 altogether [would be 9 but alas michael and i's matching one got infected and i picked and pus'ed at it and now it's all closed up =( i hafta wait a bit, but i'll eventually re-pierce it]. unfortunately i did not think this through as my ears are sore and holding a phone is painful....and i'm up at the circulation desk all day tomorrow >.< oh well.
i have Celiac Disease. it's an allergy to gluten. which is in EVERYTHING! i hafta get tested, but i exhibit all the signs so i'm probably screwed BUT this may explain my joint pain and maybe cure it [unless it's progressed into really bad osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis]. but yeah. gluten is in EVERYTHING and i'll have to give it all up [beer, soy sauce, bread!, milky ways....]
is too long. and is now done.