(no subject)

Apr 30, 2008 17:54

so. stuff happened. and it was good. and it was bad.
i got a laptop all my own. it's pretty and light and has a webcam. it's cute. i named it Lappy4720Z [homestarrunner reference. i just randomly found those numbers on it, lol].
michael and i went to a Streetlight Manifesto concert. it was amazing. and one of the bands that opened for them, Zox, was amazing. and we bought 2 cds [for $10 nonetheless!].  we met up with kelley, james & his girlfriend[?], jon jennings, and their friend but i can't remember his name.  so that was nice.
then michael and i had to walk all the way back to his dorm cuz mister smarty pants wanted to catch the bus somewhere else. and we walked through some hecka shady areas =( i was kinda freaked out.
but then i stayed there that night and the next and then went home thursday morning. made a friend on the bus. he was a black guy from some country in africa, he barely spoke english and wanted to know if i spoke french.  we talked almost the whole way there. it was pretty interesting. he even gave me his phone number, lol. he was going to live with his brother who lived in columbus [i think].  his name was Sire Tall.
i got sick =( and it sucked.
i'm still kinda sick =( and i think maybe i might have another stupid uti from being sick >.< but i'm drinking LOTS of water, so maybe it'll go away [i'm great aren't i? lol]
i've heard sylvia is leaving. =( which makes me so super sad i can't stand it.
oh i'm not sure if i updated - all three colleges accepted me! ^_^ but i decided on the academic program [regardless what my stupid mother thinks - it was not michael that made my decision] at Point Park was best.  so i'm going there. i paid and i even know who i'm rooming with. 2 of michael's friends had a triple and no one else in it so they invited me. it was really nice of them ^_^ and gel and danielle are awesome so i'm happy.  michael will be one floor below [or is it above?] me. so that's REALLY nice <3 june 6th is my registration day.
um. what else?
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