(no subject)

Jun 21, 2008 00:18

There is one thing left I can do.  I am having such a hard time.  I'm writing real big so maybe you can realize I'm screaming.  And I've been screaming for a really long time.  And I hope you read this you slime asshole.
I never got therapy.  I got scars.  I explored the very definition of masochism. 
I never got time off school.  I went to classes and then skipped to see one of the only people in the world that actually loved me.

I hate you Sean Rush.  I hate you for raping me.  I hate you for lying about it.  I hate you for blaming me.  I hate you.  I hate you for ruining my life.  I hate you for lying to me.  I hate you.  If I ever see you I will try my hardest to kill you.  I hope and pray that you see this.  If not, one of your delusional friends will hopefully link you to it, you fucking pathetic bastard.

In exactly one week I will go Friends Only, I've got to get rid of the filth.
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