meme & random

Jan 24, 2010 20:21


La primera: Antes de ayer mi mamá me compró una pelota para la pileta, de esas inflables. Es amarilla con lunares blancos y es en verdad ovalada, así que es un limón. Está buenísima. Justo estábamos con mi hermano en la pileta, y nos pusimos a jugar. Estuvimos jugando más de una hora. ¿Ustedes saben lo que es jugar más de una hora con el agua hasta abajo de la cadera, para alguien sin el más mínimo estado físico, y que encima se le había ocurrido meterse con pijama y no con malla, o sea que iba arrastrando la tela? Nah, lo mejor, lo mejor. No podíamos dejar de reírnos a los gritos, fue genial. Cuando salimos, tapamos la pileta, todo, y me empezó a entrar el hambre y el cansancio. Cené bien, y me fui a dormir a las 10.20. Me duermo todos los días a las 5.30, gente, patético lo mío. Lo peor es que tenía el cuerpo tan cansado que no me pude dormir. Me levanté, tomé un poco de agua y me quedé viendo el recital ese de MTV, "Hope for Haiti now", y me vine a joder a mi hermana. Vi Dragon Ball Z, también, con mi hermano. Comí, intentamos tomar tereré (mate pero con jugo -frío, obviamente- de pomelo o limón, usualmente) pero estaba horrible XD porque lo hicimos muy aguado. Nada, boludeamos. Nos fuimos a acostar con Aldu a las dos y algo, nos quedamos charlando. Me terminé durmiendo, entonces, más en la rutina, a las 6.00. En verdad a las 6.00 se durmió ella, yo me levanté a ponerme Caladril para las picaduras porque tengo tantas y me pican todas, y no puedo dormir. Me dormí 6.30. Genial :D Al día siguiente, ayer, iba a ser la revancha, pero el clima no ayudó. Se pospuso para hoy, pero el clima sigue horrible. Mañana será, o cuando sea.

La segunda: Después de jugar, estaba tan cansada que me dije: "más vale que haya bajado como tres kilos". La última vez que me había pesado, pesaba 58 o 59 kilos, no me acuerdo. Ese día a la mañana, antes de irnos a dormir, fui al baño a pesarme (como ya había digerido todo y hasta tenía un poco de hambre, aproveché), y pensé que estaba leyendo mal. CINCUENTA Y SEIS KILOS. Aaaaaaaaah, awesome~~ ♥ ;D ;D ;D ;D jajajajaja, ¿vieron? Bajé los tres kilos (?) no, hablando en serio. No sé cómo los bajé si me la pasé comiendo helado y cosas así... pero bueno. Bajé de peso.

La tercera: Hice un meme hoy. No quedó muy bueno, pero lo posteo igual. 51:01:00 hs of music. Let's see what comes out.

1. I sing this song while in the shower: Between eyes #2, INORAN
I sing a lot in the shower, but not exactly instrumental songs.

2. This song describes my feelings towards my significant other: Misty Love, Toshi
Awww~ that would be nice. And kinda fits, too. I'm not sure of being in love, though.

3. I was caught singing this song in the middle of class: Kono Daremo Inai Heya De, Gackt
HAHAHAHAHAH, NO XD nevertheless it could had happened, I do sing in class. And I do get caught. Worst part... I get caught by the most random person: LUJAN LARSEN.

4. When I was sent to the principal's office, I sang him this song: Paja brava, La Renga
xDDDDDDDD that would have been so funny, Teresita's face would have been... remarkable, let's say.

5. This song describes me perfectly: Breeding - hide with Spread Beaver
I don't really remember what these lyrics said, actually. When I find them, I'll say something about it. It could be, it could be.

6. This song is the reason I can't sleep at night: Stab me in the back, X Japan
Oh, yeah, totally. I'm very resentful.

7. This is my happy song: Doomsday, Gackt
AHHAHAHAHA XDDDDDDDD " 'TIS MA HAPPY FACE D:" :B Doomsday is my happy song, that's really good from me. I wonder which is my I-want-to-commit-suicide song.

8. This is my sad song: Rock and Roll, heath
... yeah, right. Totally right o_o rolling, rolling, rolling~

9. This song was playing when I was born: Prelude ~ Beyond the time, Toshi
I feel important. I meant, it sounds really... astral, I don't know. It's the kind of song that would make you think of the universe, or something like that.

10. I want this song played at my funeral: Gackt - The Next Decade
Yes, I like the message, it seems appropiate if I'm not going to be there -or rather, here- anymore. "This is your time, you're next". Besides, anything by Gackt at my funeral would do HAHAHA.

11. I want this song played at my wedding: Freesia ~Op.1~, Gackt
How nice! ♥ kinda sad, though.

12. This song describes my friends: La ñapi de mamá, Divididos
XDDDDDDDD alright. "Guardapolvo, Dios 2000, amnesia y orador / así como así / somos ñapi de mamá / no pensar / (...) mezcla rara de angustia y cañita voladora" SO WE'RE GOOD FRIENDS, RITE? :B

13. This song describes my parents: Kyo wo Ikiyou, Hakuei
Aww, they're in love with me? ♥ great, incest!

14. This song makes me smile: Butterfly's Sleep, L'Arc~en~Ciel
With a creepy and crooked smile, yes.

15. This song makes me cry: Under the Sun, heath
Hahahaha, no, makes me horneh.

16. This song describes my school: Black Stone, Gackt
TOTAL DAZE, YEAH. The PV, more than the song itself.

17. This song describes my social life: Flower, Gackt
Buuuu, my social life is dedicated to my dead love of my life D:

18. This song describes how I'm feeling today: Sweetest Coma Again (feat. DJ KRUSH), Luna Sea

19. This song describes my grandparents: Sexualxxxxx!

20. I take advice from this song: forbidden lover, L'Arc~en~Ciel
... good luck with that.

21. This song is always stuck in my head: FADE AWAY, DER ZIBET
Shit, every time I listen to it, yes. It's extremely catchy.

22. I know all the words to this song: Kouken, MUCC
I wish! No, not really.

23. I absolutely love this song: Nemo, Nightwish
Not at all.

24. I hate this song...: WITHIN YOU, Ra:IN
O_O that's blasphemy.

25. This is the first song I put on my iPod/MP3: Qué pasa conmigo, Divididos
No... come on, meme, you're getting shitty.

26. I don't know why this song is on my iPod/MP3: LOVELESS, Luna Sea
Yeah, especially because it was the first song I heard when I DID HAVE AN MP4 your sister had WHATEVER, and I listened to this CD.

27. This is my friend's theme song: Nervous Breakdown, heath
Probably my sister, hahaha.

28. I love dancing to this song: Having betrayed is why, Girugamesh
Mhh, yeah, totally. COME ON.

29. I answered my math homework with quotes from this song: Broken Window, INORAN
Of course, before killing myself for remembering the lyrics.

30. This song describes how I feel about french toast: So High, J
I FEEL SO HIGH ABOUT TASTY FOOD. I never tried french toast, though.

31. This song describes my future: Scars, X Japan
... totally hopeless, I'm fucked.

32. This song describes my taste in guys/girls: 9th, INORAN
Mmh... I think you can make a really complicated relation if there is any.

33. This is my graduation song: Gentle love for tomorrow, Toshi
Hahahaah XD adult life, real work, be gentle with me! The violins of the beginnig are too much.

34. This is my love song: Walk along, INORAN
Awwww~~ at last, one song that really fits! Yes, it could be. What a sweet song.

35. This song describes how I feel about MySpace: What is love, L'Arc~en~Ciel
EXACTLY, I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FUCK IS SO GOOD ABOUT MYSPACE. Even though the lyrics wouldn't match that sentence. But the title does.

36. This song describes my last birthday: -INST.-, Girugamesh
My last birthday sucked so much, so hard, it could be, yes. I felt like the song makes me feel.

37. This is my first thought when I wake up in the morning: Departure to space, heath
When I go to school, yes, kind of.

38. This song describes my feelings towards food: Sayounara, Gackt
NO, FOOD, COME BACK, PLEASE, I'LL BE NICE THIS TIME! I can't let you go yet!

39. I listen to this song while I sleep: Potpurri - La foca - Haciendo cosas raras, Divididos
Haciendo cosas raras para gente normal~ haciendo cosas raras sin pensar~ ya no importa lo que importa, la mentira ya pegó en las madres~

40. This song describes my feelings toward this survey: Secret Garden, Gackt.
You caught me, yes. Especially on questions 28 and 23.

41. I sang this when I was drunk: Intro, Girugamesh.
C'mon, no! It's instrumental!

42. This song got me arrested: come to daddy, heath
XD I was about to click "next" and let this song for the previous question... It would have been so true. And if I get arrested and sing this song, I hope the policeman is good loking and kinda porn (!).

43. My teacher sang this to me: Hablando de la libertad, La Renga
Well, this one makes a little sense. My teachers teach things to us, besides what they're supposed to teach. Especially in History, Literature and Philosophy. A lot of times we talked about freedom, and values like those.

44. This is your karaoke song: CHASE OF TIMES, Toshi
HAHAHAHAHA, GO ROCK! That would be cool. Chei-sof-taims!

45. This song is the reason that you are the way you are: MALICE MIZER - S-CONSCIOUS

46. This song is the reason why people hate you: Lu:na, Gackt

47. This song will haunt you for the rest of your life: Seiippai no Sayounara, Gackt
It's the second time you make allusions of a shitty future. Cut the crap.

48. This song I want to kick in the nuts: Gethsemane, Nightwish
Well, the question doesn't make grammatical sense.

49. This song I get into fights with: Junk Story, hide
I have better songs for drunk ramblings, but it's hide, so, it could be.

50. I would describe this song as a Pirate: RA-SE-N, Luna Sea
If you get nauseated in a ship and feel spirals in your stomach, yeah, totally.

51. I would describe this song as a ninja: Determine, INORAN

52. The song you would use to describe your last break-up: in the rain, J
It was so hot that day that it is almost ironic. I mean, the sun was killing us.

53. The song I'd sing if I turned into the opposite sex: Emu ~ For My Dear, Gackt
Such a beautiful song, it wouldn't be a waste. Totally worth it.

Hasta la próxima, fieles lectores (?).

mamá, autoestima, hermanos, meme

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