Twelfth Case- First Case Part Two? Whatever. [Video: English]

Mar 22, 2010 20:02

[The video starts out as just a picture of the sky as it lies on the ground somewhere. There's the sound of scraping and shuffling nearby, broken up by a few pained coughs and groans.] Ugh...what the hell...

Shit...guess I'm not quite dead yet. And if I am, I'm feeling pretty damn ripped off, cause everything still fucking hurts. Ow ow ow...

D! Where ( Read more... )

first post lol?, gd discedo, when in doubt blame d, ow ow ow, brb dying a little, ffffffffffffffffffff, not this shit again

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text ksuriuri_san March 23 2010, 03:40:29 UTC
Where is your location?


voice/video forever cause lol dying fuck_you_d March 23 2010, 04:03:43 UTC
Ah, it's...shit, hell if I know...

[Trying to look around as best he can. Groan grumble shuffle ow ow pain.]

Looks' shopping area. Damn, same place as last time.


Poor dying Leon /text forever because NO SPEAKY ENGRISH ksuriuri_san March 23 2010, 04:06:02 UTC

I will be there shortly.


/english motherfucker, do you speak it fuck_you_d March 23 2010, 04:19:39 UTC
Yeah...sure. Thanks. [Just gonna lean against that wall and go back to dying now.]


/Nope, and proud of it ksuriuri_san March 23 2010, 04:23:39 UTC
[It's not long at all before he arrives.

In fact... Perhaps only a moment or two passed between him agreeing to help, and him appearing in the area.

Almost literally appearing, the clack of a geta sandal against the pavement proof of him drawing closer.

An odd little figure, dressed in a colorful and elaborate kimono, the gentle rattle of the medicine box on his back the only other sound he made. He probably only stood at a little under five feet tall, and that box looked heavy too.

Right up to Leon, no introduction, no warning, simply setting the box down and kneeling beside the injured man, opening a drawer to pull out some bandages]


action/dramatic rescue fuck_you_d March 23 2010, 04:38:05 UTC
[Boy that was fast. Good thing Leon's too out of it to notice just how fast. He does start a little at the sudden appearance, blinking up at his savior. He scowls and grumbles, but seems almost amused.]

Oh great...'nother dress-wearin' freak. Like the other ones weren't bad enough.

[He's certainly not gonna protest the help though. He's been bandaged up a bit already, but they're already soaking through with blood. You might want to focus your attention on the giant gash in his right leg though. The bone's broken, but more important is the fairly extreme blood loss.]


action/whisks Leon away~ ksuriuri_san March 23 2010, 04:43:46 UTC
[If there's one thing the MS is good at, Leon, it's being timely. The impassive slate blue stare only shifts towards Leons face for a moment, before he calmly starts to work, pulling out lengths upon lengths of bandages.

Another dress wearing freak with fancy long nails, so don't twitch too much. He doesn't speak a word, he simply goes right to work, giving all his attention to that broken leg. Splint first. Two pieces of broken wood were used for the makeshift splint, and firmly he wrapped that up, stabilizing the leg and moving to shift the bone into the proper spot. No apologies for the pain, sorry Leon.

The thick swath of bandages there should be enough to stem the bleeding. He turned his attention then to the dirtied ones, moving in to peel those away to change them.]


action/ooh, mah hero- wait. fuck_you_d March 23 2010, 05:01:56 UTC
[LEON IS TOO MANLY TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE PAIN. Except he does wince pretty bad. But he's a tough one, he can take it.

He doesn't say anything either, just lets the guy do his thing. He winces again as he starts changing the bandages, grumbling like a petulant child. Not the most mature, this one.]

Ouch! Jeez, watch it...


action/You love it, don't lie ksuriuri_san March 23 2010, 05:06:40 UTC
[Well good, that makes doing his job much easier. The last thing he needs is you squirming all over the place and squawkin'.

At the mutter though, he does glance up.]

My apologies. [Pure Japanese, through and through.

And with that, he finishes up, tossing away the old bloodied bandages and shouldering the heavy box. Standing, he simply holds out a hand.

Gonna take it?]


action/...can't even deny it fuck_you_d March 23 2010, 05:19:23 UTC
[What is that, Chinese or something. Leon gives him a withering look and briefly considers asking him if he knows a guy named D.

He half hesitates before taking the hand, recognizing that he needs all the help he can get. Between that and the wall, he drags himself to his feet with a pained grunt. And he might stumble a bit on that leg, but damn if he isn't trying to cover it up.]


action/Rabu~ ksuriuri_san March 23 2010, 05:28:47 UTC
[Japanese motherfucker. LEARN IT. He might, you never know. Though chances are he wouldn't answer even if he did know.

As soon as Leon takes the outstretched hand, he pulls up. ... Considerably stronger than any man his size and build had any right being. As soon as Leon starts to stumble, he's there, shouldering half the weight without a sound or a hint of effort.]


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